What upsets me about this...is........ Those kids were raised by - TopicsExpress


What upsets me about this...is........ Those kids were raised by women and men of MY Generation.... and WE thought WE were the BOMB...... YET, it appears WE got nothing right...NOTHING did we pass on to the children to represent ...... dignity, ethics, morals, class or wholesome values for the public-eye representing Up-standing BLACK PEOPLE ...... IT MUST HAVE BEEN MORE OF US HURTING and LACKING THan I realized when my generation was growing up--to see what is going on today.....Additionally, when kids are having kids....... the child ....... end up raising themsleves and the child of a kid would NOT have enough knowledge or insight to get self -parenting right....neither of them......just-OMG........What I see in this video ... IF My TAKE IS RIGHT..... the Male... Didnt make the money to be the MAN she needed and his self worth and self- image appeared struggling in his cool posture....... and SHE took the initiative and embrassing leap.......via getting on her knees to make an intimate statement in a public way .... as.....I understand the system got you STUCK and feeling less of a MAN....or whatever given your depraved environment ........BUt I love u, Ill be support for you.... and you are worthy anyway.....YET, it all looks DOPE/CRAZY given Americas programmed traditions penetrated my being/brain first ............................. But AS A REAL TIP ....... a lot of women asked their husbands to marry them... the reason they got one and you and I dont.... so the code is know when and when not to and never tell....... cause public and public video is true DOPE and far from a CLASS ACT....... iF you know what I mean.... .
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 15:07:44 +0000

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