What we had suspected all along has been real thanks to the follow - TopicsExpress


What we had suspected all along has been real thanks to the follow up research of Princeton social scientists seeking to determine whether the average citizen has any impact on the decisions of our government and the answer is an unequivocal, no! Or put scientifically, the average citizen has a zero predictive impact on policy. However, others do! And here we learn that the top 1% of the economy, as we suspected, and the powerful have a considerable impact on policy. What we see in this study is the few, the rich and the powerful, impacting the decisions of government out of proportion to their numbers. This is a sign of Oligarchy where the few influence the many! But the prior studies in the 70s serialized in the Philadelphia Inquirer, and later in the early 80s, published in book form, called: America: What is Wrong? showed in numbers and language that the middle class was being eroded away by the rich and powerful. This study by Barlett and Steele unfortunately failed to wake the public up at the time to what was to come.... I will be quoting from that study if there is sustained interest!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 00:19:03 +0000

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