What will happen at the Judgement? Extract of the Book of - TopicsExpress


What will happen at the Judgement? Extract of the Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe Kc. 60 / philippekacou.org 55 They told William Branham there: Paul is with his Group! When you finish your Ministry, you will be gathered with us and you will be judged after what you preached.... And when Paul comes, he will not say what he did when he was under the Law but everything will start for him on the day when that Light shone on the road to Damascus and that that Voice spoke to him. And if that Voice of Act.9 is from God then happy are all those who followed him and woe to those who did not follow him. You see! Paul will come with his Group. He will come forward and say: Lord, you called me in a Vision according to the Mission of Isaiah 49:6 and I received from You what I preached .... If God did not recognize Paul everything was over for all those who followed Paul. When Moses will move forward to the bar of the Judgment of the White Throne, he will say: Lord, one day while we were still in Egypt, an Angel called me from a Burning Thorn-Bush and commissioned me ...And all will approach: Martin Luther, … Calvin, ... John Wesley, ... 56 And we see lutherans coming. They said: We also believe in Luther, Thy Holy Prophet!But Luther cried: Me!! I never knew you!! Where did you see me? Which year did you believe? They said: In 1560. Luther said: In 1560, it is John Calvin take them to John Calvin [Ed: the Congregation says, Amen!]. But Calvin said: They said they were lutherans when I was preaching and Calvin sent them back to Luther who condemned them. In Luke 23:7 and 11: Pilate having learned that He was of Herods jurisdiction, remitted Him to Herod. What will happen at the Judgment of the White Throne? First the pharisees came and instead of Moses, they saw the twelve Apostles and Jesus of Nazareth according to Mat.19:28. They took fright and said: We are disciples of Moses! You see? Thats what they said to Jesus in Joh.9:28. And Jesus said: In this case, take them to Moses. You see? Moses asked them: Were you in the desert? When Korah and Dathan revolted, were you on my side? Do you know Aaron and Miriam? They said: No! Moses was astonished and said: You were then with me in Egypt but you did not get out? They said: No. Weve lived on the earth around year 30, year 40! But we were faithful to you, we are your disciples! Moses said: Year 30, it is Jesus! But!! Why do you say youre of me ... had I not told you that the Lord your God would arouse you a Prophet like me? Go therefore to Jesus! They said: We beg you, Moses, do not do that to us! We defended you on earth, we beg you therefore to accept us by you! [Ed: The Congregation says, Amen!]. You see? When they had heard the name of Jesus, their heart leapt! A cold blood ran through them. They remembered that Jesus had told them in John 5:45: Think not that I will accuse you to the Father: there is [one] who accuses you, Moses, on whom ye trust. [Ed: The Congregation says, Amen!]. 57 We know that the Word of God is a Judgment for the sons of the devil and when they say: Were of Moses! calling upon someone who is already dead, that means they have lost the first trial, the trial of the living. We are of this one and that one who are already dead! You see? When the pharisees asked to appear before Moses, the hearing was accepted but Jesus told them that Moses would condemn them. 58 So to simplify everything, God has planned the Judgment of the White Throne which is the type of the Jewish Sanhedrin, the type of our Supreme Court here, the Court of Cassation I think. You see? To not accept Jesus, they registered on the list of the Disciples of Moses. They said in John 9:28: ... We are Disciples of Moses. 59 How can you be followers of him whom you do not know and who has not even lived in the same generation as you? 60 Yet after Moses, Baruch was a Disciple of Jeremiah and Elisha was a Disciple of Elijah. You see? And in more than a thousand years later, they set themselves up as Disciples of Moses to not accept Jesus Christ, the Light of their time. And today, the great-grand-sons of these pharisees, who the hell awaits, have extended and continue to extend the list of the Apostles and Disciples of Jesus. Today, in year 2005, they are apostles and disciples of Jesus of Nazareth who was walking in the streets of Jerusalem and who had altogether twelve Apostles and seventy Disciples. You see? 61 But the devil can only seduce the one who is born to be seduced. Because the Bible says that if that was possible, the Elect would be seduced but it is not possible! God is Good and in His Goodness, He will permit that one day the scales of blindness fall from our eyes [Ed: The Congregation says Amen!]. 62 They ask for appearing before the White Throne but as for those who believed the Message of their time, they will not come at the Judgment at all, they have already been judged through the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Moses will be the President of the Court of Appeal of all those who were there in the desert of Sinai also like William Branham will for those who lived while he was the Light of the world according to John 9:5. And Prophet Kacou Philippe will be it for this generation. 63 Then the evangelical churches, descendants of the pharisees, came and said to Him who is sitting on the Throne We are of Jesus, we believed nothing except Jesus! But the Lord Jesus will tell them: Were you in Israel when I was on earth? When I was on earth, I even told My Disciples not to go towards the people of nations because My Ministry was among my Jewish Brethren, how then, you, men of nations, say: we are of Jesus, we were Your Disciples on earth? ... Had I not promised Seven Stars who are Seven Angels to whom you should listen to be saved? why did you not listened to them? Depart from Me, workers of lawlessness! You see? Jesus said: Have I not said in John 9:5 that: AS LONG AS I am in the world, I am [the] Light of the world and that thus John was the Light of the world just before me [Joh.5:35] and when I am no longer on earth, others will be the Light of the world to enlighten you after the example of Paul? You See? They will be wordless. 64 And the pope of... the president of the church of pentecost will approach saying: Lord, I am Apostle Yao Bio, I have worked many miracles in Your Name The Lord will tell him: for which of My Messengers were you an Apostle? He will say: Lord, as a precaution, I believed in no one except you, it’s of Your Gospel that I was the apostle. The Lord will tell him: My Apostles were twelve in number, you are which one? [Ed: the Congregation shouts: Amen! Brother Philippe stops for a moment] ... And the great and famous apostle Yao Bio, president of the church of pentecost was wordless and the Lord said: Bind him feet and cast him outside, there where there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. Had I not told you that the Hour had come when the Worship would be in Spirit and Truth and that it is not in Israel that they must look? Had not I told you I would walk among the nations in the midst of Seven Golden Lamps? Had I not told you that as the Lightning goes from the East to the West, so I would reveal myself to you? And when Paul was on the scene in the East, was it not Me? And when Antipas [Rev.2:13] was on the scene, was it not Me? And when My Servant Martin of Tours was on the scene in France, was it not Me? And when John Calvin was on the scene in Switzerland, was it not Me? And when John Huss, Saint Patrick, John Wycliffe ... were on the scene, was it not Me? And when Martin Luther was on the scene in Germany, was it not me? And when John Wesley was on the scene, was it not Me? And when William Branham was on the scene, was it not Me? And when Mat.25:6 was being fulfilled with Kacou Philippe, was it not Me? Why did you not believe in them? In the same way that I sent Elijah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hosea, Zechariah, Amos, Zephaniah, Isaiah,... to the Jews, so, to you as well, I have sent these ones according to the Promise of Mat.23:34 and you rejected them! Depart from Me, workers of lawlessness! [Ed: The Congregation shouts with joy, Brother Philippe stops again a bit!] ... 65 And Joêl Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Doug Batchelor, Billy Graham, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Silas Malafaia and Joyce Meyer came forward like apostle Yao Bio and it was the same Judgment and the same Sentence! And Chris Oyakhilome, David Owuor, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Uebert Angel, T. B. Joshua, David Oyedepo, Alberto Mottesi, Claudio Freidzon, and Dante Gebel came forward like apostle Yao Bio and it was the same Judgment and the same Sentence! And Benny Hinn, Manasseh Jordan, Jesse Jackson, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Joaquim Gonçalves, Donald Parnell, Alejandro Bullón and Guillermo Maldonado came forward like apostle Yao Bio and it was the same Judgment and the same Sentence. Amd the Holy Angels and all the creatures of which in the Heaven shouted for joy saying: Halleluiah! Hosana! Halleluiah! Hosana! 66 If there is a vulture here, let him keep quiet because Eagles are eating. [Ed: The Congregation shouts Amen!]. We are Fish, born Fish and we are not asking crabs to become Fish like us! 67 You see? Someone rises, builds a religious organisation calling that: church, and proclaims himself an apostle, pastor, doctor, evangelist or disciple ... not of the Prophet Messenger of his Time but of Jesus of Nazareth whom he did not know and some people follow him like animals. You see? And it is an old pagan practice. I cite only two examples: I am going to read something that ... [Bro. Philippe looks for the page] ... excuse me ... ok! There it is! It is Daniel-Rops, History of the Church of the Apostles, page ... page 157, I read: And when the emperor Constantine feels his end approach, he makes a basilica built in honour of the Holy Apostles with twelve
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 06:52:35 +0000

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