What you’ll need (serves 4) 3 frozen bananas 6 tablespoons - TopicsExpress


What you’ll need (serves 4) 3 frozen bananas 6 tablespoons coconut cream (measure out and put into freezer around 30 minutes before, so it’s very cold) 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon juice of half a lime toasted coconut to garnish What to do (this is the part you’ll LOVE) Put bananas, coconut cream, cinnamon and lime juice into a jug or bowl. Blitz into a thick slush. Serve 2 scoops per person. Garnish with toasted coconut flakes or shreds. There, now that was easy wasn’t it? KITCHEN NOTE & FLAVOUR VARIATION: For a lower fructose, higher anti oxidant – and down right delicious – variation, split the 3 banana portion of the recipe into 1.5 bananas / handful each of frozen blueberries and raspberries. The original recipe slows fructose’s travel speed as it is, with the help of the ground cinnamon & healthy coconut fats, so in delicious moderation, you’re fine! TOO RUNNY? Chill your coconut cream for longer next time so it partly freezes. Don’t drop the coconut cream back, because it plays a great role in slowing down the banana’s fructose travels through your body. That’s a good thing.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 05:40:43 +0000

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