Whatever happened to the simple Bible study? I noticed something - TopicsExpress


Whatever happened to the simple Bible study? I noticed something alarming as I watched my grandchildren play video games. The first striking trend that I observed was the mesmerizing effect that these games possessed to capture those little minds. They absolutely were morphed into the essence of the game and lost all perspective of anything or anyone else around them. Any interaction with other players was limited to two encounters: either there was an argument of who had possession of the controller or how the other player’s sole reason for existing was to assist the controlling player defeat the game. I saw my precious grandchildren deforming into self-centered survivalists who were learning to use interpersonal relationships to bolster their own agendas. So I invited them to come play a simple board game with me. At first there was the usual resistance. My grandkids were being kind by humoring their old grandpa (who has surely totally lost his cool and ability to be hip and relevant), “This is boring”, “This is stupid”, “This ain’t no fun” were some of the agonizing scorns that I received. However as the game progressed a wonderful phenomenon started to manifest….they were having fun. Not just fun with the game, fun with each other! The game was boring and extremely simple if compared to the cyber-world of the video game. However its simplicity was the very thing that gave way to the intimacy of the personal interaction they were experiencing. I think this occasion is a perfect illustration of what has happened to the small home group Bible study. It was instituted at the last supper and has traditionally been a staple of Christian fellowship and intimacy. These Bible get-togethers are more than an opportunity to read the scriptures eat snacks and drink coffee. They have always served as a place where Christians can get involved with one another so they can grow as one as a real body, a close family with unbreakable bonds. These venues where we grow into a strong unit that the enemy cannot penetrate are a place where we confess our sins one to another, for the purpose of fervent effectual prayer. In the past few years I have noticed an alarming dwindling that these small groups have endured. They are becoming few in number and they are poorly attended, especially by the “video game” generation. It is the very simplicity and intimacy of these groups that have made them unpopular with the under 40 crowd. The issue isn’t the format or content of the small groups, the issue is with the immaturity of the body of Christ. The video-game generation refuses to entertain any venue that doesn’t entertain them. So they flock to the huge side shows that are being passed off as worship where they can fulfill their need for religious obligation without any threat of the complications of intimacy in interpersonal relationships. Like other venues that the world offers they can easily get lost in the crowd without ever having to be obligated to anybody or anything else that is uncomfortable their flesh or insecure emotional state of mind. I dare you to truly “get real” with God. Come out from among them and be separate. Leave the pretense and comfort of the mega church scene and come get intimate. Get intimate with Jesus and get intimate with the body of Christ. Come to the House of Prayer in Ft. Lauderdale and fellowship with us. Saturdays 4-6, Sundays at 10:30am and a small group Bible study (cake and coffee included) each Wednesday night. Hungry and thirsty souls are invited. Pastor Jim Locke IHOP Fort Lauderdale Free Indeed Ministries
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 02:01:24 +0000

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