Whatever the Father does the Son also does Jesus said to them, - TopicsExpress


Whatever the Father does the Son also does Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I, too, am working. Jesus gave them this answer: I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. John 5:17, 19 (NIV) Scenario: A man returns home from war only to find that his land and home have been taken by the bank. A local church decides to build the man a small home on the corner acre of their property. A team of 8 men begin work on the project. Within a month they have the house completely framed up. A local businessman is informed about the man’s story and wants to help. The businessman immediately calls a construction company and has them start building a small home for the man on a piece of property he had bought from a friend. This makes no sense, right? Would it not have made more sense for the businessman to have done a little research and then communicated with the local church and offered to help with the project that was already underway? In the above scenario both the church and the businessman had good intentions in helping the man. The desired result was for the man to have a home. It works this way with Christianity as well. God wants people to have a home in the kingdom. Christians want people to have a home in the kingdom. But sometimes we are like the businessman. We fail to notice that God is already working. We fail to communicate through prayers and reading His Word. And we often try to work things out on our own. We need to take Jesus’s approach. We should do NOTHING by ourselves. We should do ONLY what we see the Father doing. If you can’t see what God is doing around you, it doesn’t mean He is not working. God is ALWAYS working! It may just mean you have to look a little harder. Pray and ask Him to show you and use you where He is already working. Seeking God’s presence and communicating through prayer and scripture should preceded any action taken by man.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 13:18:43 +0000

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