Whats making news today? 1. Two teenage boys have discovered - TopicsExpress


Whats making news today? 1. Two teenage boys have discovered the body of their mother and then been told their father is also dead in what has been described as an apparent murder/ suicide bit.ly/1mP5veg 2. A political crisis developing in Victoria bit.ly/1kH5TIQ 3. A sailor says she saw MH370 burning as it flew in the sky above her back in March. bit.ly/1iQxuaX 4. Doctor says there will ‘never be good news’ about Michael Schumacher bit.ly/Sr31tv 5. The Pope warns that pets are no substitute for kids bit.ly/1pDrF89 6. Rolf Harris’s ‘arent you a curvy girl’ comments were compliments says witness. bit.ly/U9GbrC
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 20:35:43 +0000

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