Whats on my mind this morning? The following. Do not expect any - TopicsExpress


Whats on my mind this morning? The following. Do not expect any feedback on this but I would ask everyone to copy, consider and remember the words of Hunter S. Thompson. Thank you. Came upon the following this morning. If we cannot produce a generation of journalists – or even a good handful – who care enough about our world and our future to make journalism the great literature it can be, then “professionally oriented programs” are a waste of time. Without at least a hard core of articulate men, convinced that journalism today is perhaps the best means of interpreting and thereby preserving what little progress we have made toward freedom and self-respect over the years…without these men we might as well toss in the towel and admit that ours is a society too interested in comic strips and TV to consider revolution until it bangs on our front door in the dead of some quiet night when our guard is finally down and we no longer even kid ourselves about being the bearers of a great and decent dream. - Dr. Hunter S. Thompson Restores a sense of balance to a subject which, once again, thanks to the intrusion of the political classes, has rather lost sight of its real importance when properly applied. In this country, on almost any subject in the public domain, there is too much hyperbole from too many nonentities, leaving an impression - unexamined or questioned - on the minds of a population deprived of the education which would give it the ability to discard the chaff and reach the kernel of a topic. Consider the gross negligence of the political classes which has reduced this country to the level of having to seek expertise from abroad for our next generation of nuclear power stations. Lack of investment into pure and applied research in our universities has left us trailing the world when we should be at the forefront in the industry. Encouragement for our pure research into thorium reactors is the most heart breaking example. THAT is why a good journalist and a free press is so important as implied by Hunter S. Thompson. Signed, Angry from Tunbridge Wells.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 08:32:13 +0000

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