Whats wrong with the way Mathematics is taught in American - TopicsExpress


Whats wrong with the way Mathematics is taught in American Schools? I respond in my Spock Voice: Captain Byers, repetition is not the way to master higher mathematical reasoning within the human brain. Much like the Arithmetic Logic Unit of a computer, bombarding the apparatus only acts as a means to over ride the pathways between the RAM and Long Term Memory. You see Captain, you were taught as a Lad that muscle memory used in sports was the proper means to learn, shall as I may, throw a ball through the hoop.. In reality Captain, the proven way to learn mathematics is to learn formula and theory behind why such a phenomenon exists in the natural and unnatural world. And that is why Americans are so freaking stupid at math. They dumb down all the material so an idiot could do it, while all the intelligent people are getting frustrated with having to do the same Algebra problem fifty times in a row with Anglo Saxon Word Trickery. In the time in frustration, and outright time to complete, an intelligent person loses their train of thought to remember, Oh, what was that really important formula that we covered two weeks ago.... Oh, right, I might be able to remember it, but my brain can literally only handle one thing at a time within one sleep cycle. So after this sleep cycle is over, I will have then unlearn what I most recently did that taxd my short term memory into overriding my long term memory, and then relearn what I already learned, thus pulling my long term memory over my short term memory. And Ill just repeat this cycle over and over again. Think about this way. If you were training an accountant to file taxes. Would teach them how to do a standard tax return a thousand times, and then once they graduate from doing a standard tax return a thousand times, you then increase the level of complexity to filing a small business tax return? No, you would train them first on what different types there are so they can see what points separate a standard return with a complex return. That why they can adjust for difference on the fly. Thats why any CPA should be able to files tax return for you or Warren Buffet.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 02:27:20 +0000

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