What’s This For? Law: A BINDING CUSTOM or practice of a - TopicsExpress


What’s This For? Law: A BINDING CUSTOM or practice of a community: A rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a CONTROLLING AUTHORITY. Gentile: a person of a non-Jewish nation or of non-Jewish faith; especially: A CHRISTIAN AS ‘DISTINGUISHED FROM A JEW’… Distinguished from a Jew, kind of puts the bite on things right here doesn’t it. As I was reading Romans, and also thinking about how so many want us to do things we were never taught, it right off the bat in the second chapter, ‘distinguishes’ the difference between the ‘Gentiles’ and the ‘Jews’. Paul himself even spoke, in the ninth chapter, “That I have unceasing Grief”, he speaks of his family, being Jewish, rejecting Christ as the Lord, and that he wished he was cursed otherwise that they may come to know Jesus as the Lord and Savior, bringing them into salvation. This is as it is today, that the Jews, not wanting to come to know Christ, are still penned for the grave. I’m not making this up & scripture will not be denied in this case either folks... I have also read and honestly believe this myself: That once we come to know Christ He gives us the means and everything we need to know about our salvation, right in our hearts, including the Law. It becomes instinctive for us to obey Christ, and the laws that God has set before us, the Laws of His Kingdom. O.K., let’s get to what the book says my friends, Romans 2: 14-15, “Gentiles do not have the Law.” Hear that? “Gentiles” (those not of Jewish descent) as stated in the definition, “Do not have the Law”. If we hear the law and we preach the law, one will not be made righteous by it. Don’t believe me? Well, it’s written one verse before verse 14. Let’s keep moving… “But when we”, as Gentiles, “instinctively do what the Law requires we become the Law ourselves, though we don’t have the Law! We show proof the Law is written in our hearts and our consciences will confirm it,” And it will also condemn or correct us as well. The Laws of Christ written on our hearts & in our minds, not on paper? Hard to believe isn’t it? Not really, just know it’s the truth. I personally can’t go running around proclaiming Jewish Law if I don’t know it, and have no conception of it, but I can go running around professing Christ, Jesus the Christ as ALL of our Lord and Savior, Jewish or Gentile! As Gentiles this is our first charge by Christ Himself! Go out and do what? That’s right! Run around proclaiming Him Lord and Savior! Hallelujah!!! So at that, there is only one way the Jews will be made righteous, and that is truly coming to know Christ Himself as their Lord and Savior, but some seem to believe they are righteous just because YHWH is their God & Father. Well in fact this is true, but they are not His sons or daughters until they are adopted through Christ, no one is. Got it? Galatians 4:25, “We are no longer under a custodian.” Not liking this conversation? Then I would like to be shown otherwise, and there are allot of other people out there with me on this, I know it. The truth again, can never be offended. God Bless! At this point and time, I will hardly consider the laws of man because I am too busy trying to please God by being faithful to Him! By bringing others to Christ! The “Thou shall nots” have been removed from my vocabulary because I’m too busy with the “Love thy Brothers”, the “I must love thy Father” and also the “Go out among them and preach the Truth!” We must learn to be obedient through Christ! To love and share and speak the truth in the Word, not any kind of doctrine except for Salvation first! WOW! I didn’t want to write this much about this but it has to be said in this day age. I don’t know what a Jewish holiday is or any one of their traditions… Kind of like someone spoke the other day about the Day of Atonement. Isn’t that every day? Because every day we wish we could do more for our God? Every day shouldn’t we come before Him and confess on the day? I couldn’t bear the weight of all my sins if I had to wait a whole year to come to God with my confession, it would crush anyone of us. Some might say I’ve gone off my rocker saying these things, but I tell you what; I’m just obeying the Lord. When we walk in righteousness, the Kingdom bidding, the way first intended by God the Father Almighty, Our Father in Heaven where we are not, what else do we need? Walk in righteousness with the mindset of Christ and I’ll tell you what we don’t do, we won’t kill, or steal, or covet, or have to stone anyone for their unrighteousness, Oh yeah, isn’t that part of the law also? HHMMM… Got ya there didn’t I… We will praise and give God reverence, we will offer up sacrifices daily to His Glory, Sacrifices of praise and worship, our time dedicated to His Honor. We will call Him Father and He will call us Son, or Daughter, just as He calls Jesus His Son. He is not our babysitter anymore, although there are some He still has to baby sit, because they refuse the true truth. Psalm 96, second verse, “SHARE THE NEWS OF HIS SAVING WORK EVERY SINGLE DAY! Declare God’s Glory among the nations.” If we are doing this, when will we have the time to be disobedient to His Word? “Declare all His wondrous works among the people!” In other words, get your boots on the ground and get out of the church!! Stay in the church and you just preachin’ to the choir! “Because the Lord is Great and worthy of your praise”. Bam! Even Jesus called the Jewish people, “The lost sheep”, and he sent his apostles out to teach them to bring them to Christ, to teach the truth about salvation. Matthew 10:6, but who has listened? Aren’t there still many “lost sheep”? If you are saved and you are Jewish, know that Jesus wants you to just obey what He has laid in your hearts, not what’s on your minds, and stop trying to preach old rhetorical doctrine upon anyone who is doing their best before Christ. I don’t know how else to say it. But it is pretty plain and simple, just the way God planned it. I can’t do all those rituals, and I don’t expect anyone else to either. I can’t buy a candle holder for my window, just because someone wants me to celebrate a Jewish holiday after I’ve come to know Christ, that’s pretty contradictive if you ask me. Let’s just say, less is more. Christ is my God & Brother, not my tradition, even David spoke of that; He wanted all the statutes, not just the laws given to Moses. God Bless!!! In the Name of Jesus,,, AMEN!!!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 19:53:29 +0000

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