Whelp, Hello there, League of Hunnies & Admins. Im Darian (Yes - TopicsExpress


Whelp, Hello there, League of Hunnies & Admins. Im Darian (Yes the same name as the prince from sailor moon), I am somewhat of a new member to this group. Not alot of people have noticed me but I am here to make new friends and League partners. I love Playing Ezreal/Syndra and my Favorite Animes are Sword Art Online/Inuyasha. My favorite Video Games that arent League of Legends are the Zelda and Super Smash Bros Series Im 18 and I live in The United States but Ive always wanted to move to japan or south korea. I surpass In every lane besides jungling, I still struggle within the shadows of summoners rift.. ahah. Im unranked at the moment, But id have to say my skill level is around gold 2 - plat 4 mmr. I was bronze 2 last season but only because I never played rank lol, (all about them normals xD) Hi everyone! My Ign: Supersonic Luigi :) NA Server. If anybody is looking for a team member, I almost never lose Lane In top lane or bot support. I main Syndra/Nasus top, Ezreal/Graves ADC, Leona/Morgana Support, Udyr/Shaco/WuKong Jungle, & Zed/Yasuo/Syndra Mid .
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:30:54 +0000

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