When 33 of the Legislature’s 181 lawmakers voted against the - TopicsExpress


When 33 of the Legislature’s 181 lawmakers voted against the state budget in final votes taken over Memorial Day weekend, the dissents did not go unnoticed. Oh no. Thirty-two of the 33 were cast by Republicans. In the Senate, all four no votes were by Republicans. As I reported in this story in Saturday’s paper, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Tommy Williams, R-The Woodlands, flew into a rage and tried to have Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, stripped of his Education panel chairmanship. Williams declined to comment Friday. Other senators and eyewitnesses, though, described him as highly upset because he’d tried to accommodate Patrick on his priority spending requests, and felt betrayed when the former radio talk-show host bolted from the Senate’s GOP leadership team. Leaders may have felt they were oh-so-close to recording an impressive 31-0 vote in favor of the two-year, $197 billion budget. After all, Williams had lassoed the chamber’s 12 Democrats. He may have believed Patrick provided cover for three GOP colleagues also to oppose the budget. They were Sens. Brian Birdwell of Granbury, Donna Campbell of New Braunfels and Ken Paxton of McKinney. The Senate took its final budget votes a day before the House did, so the Senate’s GOP defections may have complicated Speaker Joe Straus’ job of reining in his troops. More on that in a minute. The drama played out behind the scenes. Patrick, though normally a big talker, said relatively little about the budget as the regular session ended. Still, his action spoke volumes. Patrick heads the Legislature’s tea party caucus. His “nay” vote lent legitimacy to outside conservative groups criticizing the budget — the very groups Williams was trying to write off as crackpots during the Senate’s final budget debate. Williams immediately confronted the four GOP defectors. He then went to work on the Senate floor, polling on a plan to take away Patrick’s chairmanship. Williams hasn’t revealed the results of his poll. Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, who names committee chairmen, said through a spokesman Friday that he did not instigate or encourage Williams’ bid to spank Patrick. But Dewhurst is running for a fourth four-year term next year and Patrick may join two other high-profile Republicans in challenging him. Against that backdrop, Williams’ attempt to enforce party discipline was fraught with danger for Dewhurst. One senator reportedly warned Williams, “Be careful. You’re fixing to make a martyr of [Patrick].” Another, a Democrat, noted that Williams’ plan required a rules change so that the Education and Higher Education committees could be merged. This senator declined to help “do someone’s political dirty work.” Other senators told Dewhurst and Williams that the Education chairmanship is such a thankless job, the real punishment would be to keep Patrick in it for as long as possible. In the House, 29 of the chamber’s 150 members voted against the final conference committee report on the budget. Only one was a Democrat, House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee Chairman Abel Herrero of Robstown. He was among four Straus-appointed committee chairmen who voted nay. The others were GOP Reps. Harvey Hilderbran of Kerrville, head of tax-writing Ways and Means; Lois Kolkhorst of Brenham, who leads Public Health; and John Smithee of Amarillo, the Insurance Committee’s long-time chief. Hilderbran wants to run for comptroller. Most people believe Kolkhorst, who this year courted both tea party-backed House freshmen and Gov. Rick Perry, is ambitious and hatching some big career move. For Team Straus, there was more unwelcome news. Rep. Stefani Carter, R-Dallas, voted no. Early in the session, Straus named her to the coveted Appropriations Committee, which writes the budget. Carter, who’s in her second term, represents North Dallas. As my colleague Gromer Jeffers Jr. noted in this post earlier this week, Carter is exploring a run for statewide office. Could it be something like the Railroad Commission, where an incumbent may quit to run for attorney general? Other House Republicans who opposed the budget included Rep. Brandon Creighton of Conroe, the chamber’s GOP caucus chairman; Rep. Allen Fletcher of Houston, who got to sponsor and pass through the House the campus-carry gun bill; Travis County Rep. Paul Workman, who survived a tea party challenge last year and is seen as fairly moderate; and veteran Rep. Phil King of Weatherford, who had been playing nice with the leadership but who may be constitutionally incapable of staying in one pack for long. Creighton is considering a run for state agriculture commissioner next year. Some of the House dissidents on the budget have cited the same reasons Patrick has for opposing it — spent too much, used too much rainy-day money, didn’t do enough for transportation. Still, unlike the budget written in 2011, when lawmakers grappled with a $27 billion budget shortfall, this year brought lawmakers a “prosperity budget.” Without raising taxes, it would undo many if not all of the 2011 cuts to public schools, reduce the use of accounting gimmicks and — so long as voters approve a water-fund constitutional amendment this fall — build water reservoirs and pipelines and reward water conservation. Straus, R-San Antonio, came to power with Democrats’ help but has been a Republican longer than Perry and probably longer than Dewhurst. Straus avoids the modern GOP’s wedge issues. To an almost quaint degree, he puts his emphasis on parsimony and efficiency — but also on compromise and consensus. So in 2009, his first session as speaker, he was delighted that the budget passed the House initially, 149-0. When it returned from conference committee, House members ratified it by a still eye-popping margin of 142-2. In 2011, though, there was heavy Democratic opposition. On its first trip to the floor, the budget was approved, 98-49. The conference report eventually passed, 97-53, with five Republicans among the dissenters. This year, Straus would have loved to get the red lights back down into single digits. But he faced, as we noted here last fall, a changed House because his party’s caucus tilted markedly to the right, even as the Democrats posted a net gain of seven House seats. Earlier this week, a Straus spokesman declined comment when I asked if the speaker would discipline members who voted against the budget. Another House leadership insider told me, “There’s been discussion about what to do with them, but no decisions.”
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 02:03:07 +0000

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