When I first read about Silas, it resonated with me because I - TopicsExpress


When I first read about Silas, it resonated with me because I always say not to let medical diagnosis determine how you live your life. This boy, young man, certainly exemplified that in ways that Im not sure I could if facing a terminal illness. He was a true steward of Christ, knowing his home was in heaven and not on earth. While reading another story last night, I couldnt help but feel that we had met him... It wasnt until I read his brothers name was Shobi that it hit me.... Boy Scouts. Brian and Shobi were in scouts together.... Nonetheless, my heart had already gone out to this family, already in my prayers for strength through this time. While even though they knew it was coming, it still doesnt stop the pain of loss or the obvious change in habits as the move forward.... Someone so young, faced so much, yet... Left a legacy on the people around him that they will never forget. Just reading his story, Im inclined to be most thankful for those in my life around me, thankful for the experiences Ive had, the mistakes Ive made, and knowing that others believe in life and living it to the fullest, like Silas, renews my faith in people in general. With so much terror and horrible acts on the news, its wonderful to read a story like the one about Silas. Its more than an obituary, its bringing you into his life and how he lived it. . God bless his family as they celebrate Silas with a host of family and friends, and may they have the peace of mind knowing Silas runs with Jesus now, the Ultimate Healer.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 18:52:34 +0000

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