When I first thought Id lost her, a slight feeling of dread came - TopicsExpress


When I first thought Id lost her, a slight feeling of dread came over me, but I poured through book after book meticulously absorbing every last word on a lost Regis. Like diagnosing a wart on WebMD, she was surely dead. Victim of Mongol Hordes of yellow jackets, launching themselves past guard bees, lancing my girls left and right as they bee-lined (nyuk nyuk) for Her Majesty. They would be instinctually bent on beheading her with their superior weaponized mandibles. The second time, I felt a spiritual loss. The hive was slow and passive. Lost it seemed. My first hive, and after nearly a year of studying every environmental, economic, sustainable, cultural, and spiritual aspect of the apiary, Id somehow failed. I left the entrance reducer open too wide and they couldnt defend themselves. They were too low to the ground. I didnt add another super in time and they swarmed. I added a super too early and they swarmed. A neighbors use of insecticide had led to this. All my fault. I killed her. Im a Regicidal maniac. Yesterday, Kalhid rushed over when I told him what was happening and checked It out. He showed me how to look for eggs, and eggs I found. Lots of them. My spirits lifted instantly, and oddly enough, so did the spirit of the Queendom. All is good. :)
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 01:53:02 +0000

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