When I was young, we would go to my dad’s parents in Alabama. We - TopicsExpress


When I was young, we would go to my dad’s parents in Alabama. We would walk into another lifestyle...all laid back and talking having totally different conversations. They would talk about “back in the day”, play dominoes and Rook...and my Grandma Bradley would sit down with us kids to put together a jigsaw puzzle. She would stand the cover of the box up on the corner of the table, carefully, so we could see just how the picture was suppose to look, so we could figure how to get the pieces to match the picture.....Some people still see Christianity that way today..the BIBLE being the picture we are suppose to make the pieces of life fit into to make it to Heaven...living the way the BOOK says to be ready to go...to live morally right, and have the Blood of Jesus flowing through our veins...the trouble is, so many are trying to force the pieces together...pretending that the abominations in the BIBLE are not there..pretending that the most horrific sins are just socially accepted...just because society is allowing things to happen now that GOD has plainly stated that should not happen....What they forget..what most people are forgetting...is that anytime in history a society forgot GOD...a nation diliberately disregarded the rules GOD left us...the nation fell...Natural disasters....different countries take over...some sort of terrible things always happen to those who walk away from the Lord....IT’S time we stand up and say we will not be ignored....God is saying to all those who are disobeying HIS WORD...HE will be heard...HE will be victorious...no matter what any man says...GOD will have the last word...Jesus is coming..PLEASE be ready
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 04:12:43 +0000

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