When I worked for Miami-Dade County I worked for some of the - TopicsExpress


When I worked for Miami-Dade County I worked for some of the nastiest Negroes in the world. They thought that I had an anger-problem and was headed toward becoming postal, because I wouldnt let them run any old kind of game on me. In other words, I didnt go for the bull! They sent me to the Employee Assistance Program. That is the first place they send you when they want to begin the process of getting rid of you. However, it was supposed to be the place where you are whipped back into shape to toe the county line and maintain employment. But, before going, I contacted psychological services at the University of Miami and subsequently went to see Dr. Ronald Shallow, a noted clinician at the U. I paid for an extensive evaluation, costly too! After three visits with him, he instructed me to give the unopened envelope he mailed to me to whom ever the Employee Assistance Program sent me to for counselling. When I arrived for counselling the psychologist talked-down to me, as if she had already determined that I was affected as the agency thought I was. When she finished berating me, I smiled and gave her the unopened envelope from Dr. Shallow. In the packet sent to my home was also a copy of his findings for me. Dr. Shallow had determined that I was an extremely intelligent person, reasonable and not prone to violence. When the counselor opened the envelope and took a few minutes to read what Dr. Shallow had written and digested the results of the test Dr. Shallow had given me her whole demeanor changed. What resulted after that was that she instructed me to go through the program of counselling with her in order to satisfy the powers that be (my bosses). However, she Indicated that I really didnt need to be there, except to make sure that the agency heads would not be angry and feel as if I had skirted their system by refusing to go forth. So, I went through six weeks of counselling. I think that I was off from work for that period of time too. It was like a vacation with only having to go to one or two hour-only counselling sessions a week. After the time had passed, the counselor turned in her report (along with Dr. Shallows) and I returned to work. I was never bothered again there. And, I left them a short time later to go to another department in the county when they wouldnt get rid of a custodial worker who was not doing her job. I found stuff to be worse at my new job location and kept fighting against the wrong doing I encountered. You may ask the question, What does this have to do with Ray Rice. Well, if sorry-ass Miami-Dade County provides a program for counselling troubled employees and those they are trying to railroad, then youd think that an organization as large as the NFL would try to rehabilitate employees rather than just throwing them in the street indiscriminately. Dont get me wrong, I do not condone what Ray Rice did. It was wrong, regardless of any behavior on the young womans part that may have been provocative. This happened in February and a punishment was decided. Then, the Baltimore Ravens and NFL decided that punishment was not sufficient and got rid of Ray Rice. Well, my suggestion is that he get a lawyer and sue the Ravens and the NFL. I ended up suing the county. When you are right, sometimes you have to fight. They took advantage of him. I think they are trying to make him the poster boy against Domestic Violence. They are going about it the wrong way. You can not always abandon human resources to make them and things better. Sometimes, as ugly as the picture may be, you have to embrace it. There are many other would be abusers in the NFL. They had better embrace that fact and become proactive in addressing it; otherwise they will certainly have to deal with this issue again!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:12:20 +0000

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