When President Obama visits Pittsburgh today many will be - TopicsExpress


When President Obama visits Pittsburgh today many will be personally delivering a message to the President. THEY WILL BE DELIVERING THIS FROM ALL OF US! KEEP THEM IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH!!!! The message is this: Pittsburgh, Homestead, West Homestead, Baldwin, Wilkinsburg and Forest Hills all banned fracking because it is unsafe; it is a clear threat to our health, welfare and safety. The President’s “all of the above” energy policy includes fracking. That policy only prolongs the harm we already endure. That is unacceptable. “All of the above” does not reduce greenhouse gases fast enough, does not protect our life sustaining water and air and, does not end the undue political influence of the fossil fuel industry in our institutions of government. It simply prolongs American’s dependency on fossil fuels and delays an urgently needed transition to renewable energy resources. Deliver the message that we are for: Jobs in clean energy industries and manufacturing True national energy independence Policies that aggressively promote the application and development of proven and new sustainable energy technologies. Fossil fuels cannot be included in the bridge to our energy future. We know Fracking cannot safely co-exist with us in our cities, towns, farms or parks and public lands. We know how to build bridges in Pittsburgh! We know you cannot build a bridge to an energy future with obsolete materials or technologies. We know it will be built with American know-how and innovation, based upon sound science and technology. So, will you join us and, despite the bitter cold, help us deliver this message? Can you make a simple sign with our message of our hope and vision for a truly energy independent America? In 2010, when Pittsburgh enacted the first ban on fracking, keeping this dangerous process out of our city, it was soon embraced by other municipalities and the State of Vermont. It became the wise course chosen by communities here in the United States and beyond. The President set forth his agenda in his State of the Union address tonight. its been reported that he plans to push forward key initiatives with or without Congress. One such initiative should be, as local, state and national governments already have, to Ban Fracking. It is a defining issue that needs his definitive leadership. President Obama has the opportunity to act as a true leader on the environment - he can ban fracking by executive order. He can spur on Congress to make sustainable energy a national priority. We hope some hardy and committed brave souls will join us on this bitter cold day in West Mifflin, PA, to deliver to our message and demonstrate our resolve. If you can’t be there, you can you can send Pittsburgh’s message to President Obama to ban fracking at: whitehouse.gov/contact/write-or-call Join us at 1:00 p.m. at the ALLEGHENY COUNTY AIRPORT at LEBANNON CHURCH ROARD AND CAMP HOLLOW ROAD IN WEST MIFFLIN PA! BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR TRAFFIC RESTRICTIONS FOR THE MOTORCADE! Thanks for taking action! No matter if you can be there or not, send our message from Pittsburgh - you know, the city that is building the bridge to a fossil free energy future - to President Obama! whitehouse.gov/contact/write-or-call Hope to see you! Briget & Doug Shields, President, (the other President) Pittsburgh City Council (2006-2010) From Frack Free Pittsburgh, PA
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:04:46 +0000

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