When We Worship Ecclesasties 3:1 To understand the When of - TopicsExpress


When We Worship Ecclesasties 3:1 To understand the When of our worship is to understand God’s timing and connectedness with our lives. When is important. Without When there is no distinct timing. Without When there is no slice of time that is given to the act of worship. We live in a world of When’s. When we are born. When we die. When we build When we tear down In creation, the bible says on the first day God created the Heavens and the Earth. It was a distinct moment in His plan. Then it goes on to say, On the second day he created the Firmament and divided the waters. There was a timing of it all you see. One event did not happen until the other event happened. In the second chapter of the book of Acts the scripture tells us that When the day of Pentecost was fully come. There came a sound from Heaven. Understand there is a When in God’s timing. There is a When in His plan for our lives. There is a When to the incidents and even the tragedies that make up the events of our lives. God did not plan these events to happen necessarily. They happened as the result of chance to a large degree. But they happened at a distinct moment and at a particular point of orientation in our life. There is a When to it all. My question to us today is what will we do with our When? What will we do with the moment of interruption in our lives where we feel God’s presence or the unction of his Spirit in our lives? …That moment when God reaches out to us. Or that moment when we should be reaching out to Him. When we worship is about timing. It’s about that critical moment of our lives where things could go this way or things could go that way. It’s the determined moment of distinct opportunity for a miraculous outcome. It was a really bad situation. They were really sick. It didn’t look like the marriage was going to last. She was about to give up. They just lost their job. Their car just broke down. The rent was due. Doctors and Attorneys, and Marriage Counselors couldn’t help any more. Who would have thought there was hope for the situation? Who would have thought it could turn out the way that it did, but someone went to Praising Him. Somebody found a When to Worship in the midst of his or her tragedy. David at Ziklag 1 Samuel 30 See, David was a worshipper. He didn’t need a whole lot of prompting to get him to lift his hands or worship the Lord. The What in his life was not going to determine the When of his Worship to God. David was capable of slicing out a moment of his life regardless of his circumstances and creating a When opportunity for God’s timing in his Life. He could have reacted the way most people would have. He could have forgotten God’s ability to help him and he could have just gone into battle by himself and without God. But he decided that it was better to go into this thing with praise to God on his lips than a curse for some Amalekites. Understand, the timing of David’s praise meant everything at this moment of his life. He didn’t praise God after the battle. He didn’t even praise God before the battle. David’s When was right in the middle of the thing that was trying to destroy not only his family, but also even his own life. We say, Well, I’ll praise God later. I’ll praise him when this thing is all over. I’ll praise him after this storm of life has ended. Understand something. God inhabits the praises of His people. In other words, He shows up when we worship Him. It’s not, Hey lookie there, God just showed up and then we all go to praising him. It’s Hey, we want God to show up, so we go to praising Him. He inhabits the praises of His people! If you need Him to show up in your situation, go to praising him. Paul and Silas in Acts 16 They heal a young woman who is possessed with a demon. The people turn on them and falsely accuse them. Stripped of their clothes They are beaten severely They are cast into the inner part of the prison Their hands and feet are fastened with iron shackles and chains. Understand it’s important that we comprehend the When of God’s timing in our lives. It looked like this was a What situation for Paul and Silas. Look What’s happened to us. Look What they have done! What did we do to deserve this? Listen, it may look like a What situation to you and everyone around you, but it may very well be a When situation to God. Our What or the condition of our situation is not what limits God... It’s our When and our connectedness to the timing of the miraculous in our lives that determines our situation. Someone said, I’ll praise him when – I feel like it. Or When God does something for me. Well, that’s great, you should praise him because he did something for you. But the When for me is not after He has done something. The When for me is before I even have a need! It’s not just where you are at when you praise… And it’s not always the circumstances of your situation. But very often it is the opportunity for God to be glorified in the moment of your desperation. It’s the timing of your worship. Why do you praise Him so much? Because I want to be on que with the miraculous
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 07:51:52 +0000

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