When a Christian decides to work as a Preacher or be in a mission - TopicsExpress


When a Christian decides to work as a Preacher or be in a mission work, we consider that as a sacred calling(serving the Lord). But when a Christian decides to work as an Engineer or as a farmer, we call that secular calling(working for the world and himself). lol! Here is the question .... If Christians worship God 24/7 in spirit and in truth, do they stop worshipping and serving God when they go to work? I believe that if you are in Christ and are a TRUE follower of Christ theres no such thing as sacred and secular in your life. Why do we make that distinction? When does the Christians life become sacred? is it when he goes to preach or becomes a Preacher?) and when does it become secular? (is it when he goes to work as a Farmer or an Engineer? Well, if you are farming, or digging ditches or working as an accountant, and you are follower of Christ, you are not in a secular work. The opposite of sacred is not secular, I believe the opposite of secular is profane. You are either in a sacred work or profane work. Secular means worldliness and TRUE Christians dont live for this world. They work with their hands to support themselves and others and whatever their hands find to do, they do it heartily as to the Lord. So, what is your profession as a Christian in this world? Dont forget that the great commission... Go ye therefore also applies to you. Begin to take the Gospel out under-guilded by your profession to seek and to save the lost wherever they may be found!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 18:21:12 +0000

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