When a woman allows a man to try her before he buys her, shes - TopicsExpress


When a woman allows a man to try her before he buys her, shes actually cheapening herself and killing her chances of that man ever marrying her. Who wants to pay full value for a used car? That stupid mentality as it relates to marriage almost guarantees a woman will never get taken seriously for marriage. There are always a few exceptions to every rule, but why settle for odds that are clearly stacked against you? Start valuing yourselves ladies! Allowing a man to test drive you is the same as a real estate company allowing a family to move inside a home thats for sale, and live there for (insert number of years youve allowed a man to date you). After which the family gets to decide if they want to pay full asking price for the house, or move on to somewhere else without any penalty. See the problem with that idea? If you dont value yourself enough to demand that a guy treats you as a potential wife by actually investing in you, dont expect for him to see in you what you fail to see in yourself. The man trying to play Capt SaveEm, no matter how honorable his intentions, usually ends up having his heart ripped out his chest. Aint too many men out there willing to play the knight in shining armor role any more. Modern culture and feminism have effectively slayed all the knights. What you have left are men who either want to get married, or who loathe the very idea. Its up to you as a woman to determine which guy is which. Failure to do so will leave you jumping from one dead end relationship to the next, which further decreases your chances to get married. And let me just say this and Ill be off my soapbox: If you are a woman who classifies herself as a modern day feminist, DONT EXPECT TO EVER GET MARRIED. And if you do happen to luck up and get a ring put on your finger, dont expect to keep it for long. No sane man with an intelligent mind in this day and age would ever walk the aisle with a man-hating, double-standard having, argumentative, ornery man in a skirt who only delights in dominating a man to feel more empowered as a woman. Feminism and marriage do NOT mix. ...Unless the goal is to marry another woman. In that case... knock yourself out. Just know that once you go that route, if you ever decide to change your mind and return to the land of men, youve pretty much sealed your fate as a marriage untouchable.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:05:00 +0000

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