When speaking to paid courtesans of hoodlums, speak - TopicsExpress


When speaking to paid courtesans of hoodlums, speak bluntly! ....serve it to the big boys and their killing toys, and for once in your miserly existence of favoritism, show some results for all to behold, to have and to cherish! Or allows us humbly, remind all of UN, of the following words uttered by the UN before long before they where published in 1991: UN ENVIRONMENTAL SABBATH PROGRAM: We who have lost our sense and senses- our touch, our smell. our vision of who we are, we who frantically force and press all things, without rest for body or spirit. hurting our earth and injuring our selves, we call a halt. We want to rest. We need to rest and allow the earth tp rest, We need to reflect and rediscover the mystery that lives in us, that is ground of every unique expression of life, the source of the fascinations that calls all things to communion. We declare a Sabbath, a space of quiet for simply being and letting be, for recovering the great, forgotten truth, who learning how to live again. UN ENVIRONMENTAL SABBATH PROGRAM Allow us to rehash this into current times at 2013, in sort of an iconoclastic humane way...! So yer lied to yer teeth and as a result got duller than hell warmed over twice, while ye have been letting genocide and Ecocide rage to near extinctions in many departments, economically collapsing entire nations, while demoralizing and dehumanizing this globe called earth, then asking for a pulling of the big plug to regroup and sort,o UN who profess impartiality concerning all world affairs and humans therein? Yes we and the earth need rest, and reflect on how communications where established online, to milk each single mind on earth; how to strut each plight and solicit a online response, so ye may garble some sense from those whom ye knocked senseless , and are still standing among the newly less aware now maturing, and be fascinated by what light pores fourth? Declare that a Sabbath for the blood letters to stay of the hook and be kept exempt form justice prevailing, and while plagiarizing with reckless abandon, the ranks of the poisoned souls driven to depths, calling it a great forgotten truth, while pillaging among the masses marked for the slow tortures dying, and so learn how to live by bloodshed yet once more again, while reaping the survivors into newly forged cages of deceit? O dear UN, how utterly deplorable thou art. With countless lives calling for justice, not to you UN, but to Eternal Justice Prevailing!! Clean pure conscience after all, is not unlike a plasma cutting tool, and that is ,what appears modern day deceptions needs! O dear UN, how found out ye art...... Reserve grace and respect for Divine Eternal Conscience, since it is not to be found in the forked tongues with two faces making promises not kept, and shunning the tasks for so long, while riding high on dark prophecies uttered in gracious accents, cloaked in prayers so long ago. O UN how utterly deplorable thou art. An unjust law is no law et all, and unjust this earth stand befouled! So reap then this foulness in just recompense, since no army and weapon has ever forged peace!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 06:43:48 +0000

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