When the US joined the fighting in WW1 the conflict had been going - TopicsExpress


When the US joined the fighting in WW1 the conflict had been going on for 3 years and about 2/3 of the 20 million who would die had already been killed. The majority of the losses were among the Allies with Germany having very few losses up till then. The doughboys as the US soldiers were called tipped the balance and brought the war to an end. I am proud of the roll the US played in ending the Great war. When the US joined the fighting in WW2 the fighting had been going on for two years in Europe and 3 years in China. All the momentum was with Germany and Japan. As bad at Hitler and the SS were the Japanese were worse. Read about unit 731 or the rape of Nanking if you have the stomach for it. 16.1 million Americans served in WW2 with the majority volunteering to fight. At the end of that war the world was in ruins but for the US. We had a vast strong army and we were the only country to have the atom bomb. We could have taken control of the world and dictated our will as most of the world was in ruins. Instead the US rebuilt the countries that had set as their goal the destruction of the US and our way of life. Through the Marshall plan in Europe and aid programs in Japan the US kept troops and money for more than 5 years in place to help our former enemies rebuild. I am proud of my country and those that served. Their actions and sacrifice stopped some of the greatest evils the world had yet seen. Just 5 short years after the end of WW2 the Korean war started. Those years are referred to as the cold war but US troops often were fighting Chinese on the ground and Soviets in the air. The war lasted 3 years but the majority of the US losses happened in the first year. It is often called the forgotten war because it followed so close to WW2 that it was over shadowed. There was no oil or anything else for America to take or defend. The 45,000 Americans that died did so for the cause of freedom. Totalitarian regimes wanted to control more people and more land. The American GI fought to keep that from happening. I am proud of the service men that fought in that war. Only a few years after the Korean war the Vietnam war started. Hollywood has made much of this war but in the 12 years the US was involved the US only lost a little over 10,000 more than the first year and a half of the Korean war just to give perspective on how fierce the fighting was in Korean. Few people know the full history of the war in Vietnam. The US won and the North Vietnamese had signed the surrender on 27 January 1973 in Paris but then the Democrats in congress went against the promises made in treaties to the South Vietnamese effectively undermining the victory hard won by US troops and giving the South over to the communist North. Again there was no oil or anything else for the US to get or take. The US GI fought to keep a people free from communist oppression and won the fight. It was the politicians that lost it. Once again I am proud of the US service men that served and sacrificed for others. Special forces were active in Central and South America throughout the 1980s as the USSR tried to influence countries toward communism. We took nothing from those nations and few know we had troops active at that time. Through the 1990s the US repeatedly fought to stop the killing of Muslims. In Bosnia and Kuwait the US fought to stop genocide or subjugation of Muslim populations. There was nothing the US took. It acted out of moral obligation. The US had been repeatedly attacked by Muslim groups for years before 9/11 and largely ignored the provocation but after 9/11 sought to remove the places of training and refuge of those terrorist groups. US forces comprised of an all volunteer military fought to appose a people that believe in things like forced female circumcision, and the beheading of those that do not worship as they do. They volunteered to leave safety and comfort to face an evil that most of the West denies even exists. I am proud of our nation and how our nation has used its might to fight evil. I am thankful and proud of the millions that have served not just to protect their own home and their own family but to fight for good and to stand up against evil all over the world. My pride stands in contrast to a first lady who has never been proud of the US until her husband was elected. Some people say the left and the right are all the same. Not at all. There are profound differences. Why bring this up and make a veterans day political? Because to not point out the good those that have served have done is to stand by while they are slandered. The US serviceman has been the greatest force for good in the last 100 years. Unlike all of history after the evil is put down the US force has left and not claimed land or taken the spoils of war as a prize. Thank you to all that have served. I for one am proud of you and what US strength and might has done. youtu.be/LYY73RO_egw?t=12s
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 19:00:10 +0000

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