When the idea begins to settle that you are infinitely more - TopicsExpress


When the idea begins to settle that you are infinitely more important than you had first imagined and you get a sense of your real purpose in life, you start out unofficially, I tend to think on the path of what I call the search. It is a path usually stumbled upon after much dissatisfaction and boredom with life. For others its a conscious choice they make, guided all along by a coercion from the innermost part of themselves and yet others, who after reaching rock bottom are compelled by a sense of survival to take the road less traveled by. This is what Ive made of my quaint and unexpected guest that contemplation has recently brought to my door. The search is an abstract mission, whereby you become the seeker of something sought after you cant quite articulate. It is grounded on impulses that we know as intuition and held in place by confirmation of those impulses weve come to know as signs. Looking for sign posts and land marks, has always been the live- in job of your sub conscious, but you know youve entered upon the path when it becomes a conscious train of thought that you, are more than what you think you are. You wonder about the place youre in, where youre headed, who you are, where youre meant to be and how youre going to get there. I think at some stage during mans travel through his life- which is really just a travel through time and space -he comes to know by way of experience that the place he is in, is a little bit of delusion and a little bit of something real and far reaching like that of Truth. One truth he may encounter is the fact that the place he lives in and makes use of is governed by a set of laws and that is the laws of nature. Moving freely within these laws ensured contentment of heart and going against the grain of these laws brought about suffering. I think during these encounters he has glimpses of knowledge that he, though a separate being from the place he lives in is interconnected to it in a profound and delightful way, as if he were looking at himself through metaphors as he gazed out into the world. As if each part of the world contained a little bit of him and he contained the entirety of it in himself, which might explain to him how he is able to relate to each thing when he intently ponders over it seeking to understand it. I think that when truthful matters occur to him or descend upon him, they resonate with him, leaving him yearning for the Source of these wonderful and nourishing streams of knowledge. At some stage he realises in thought and belief that there is an All, Ever and Most Being from which everything springs to life and continues to be renewed and sustained. He starts to put the pieces together and reckons that the place he lives in is the territory of that Being and it is held in place by fundamental truths or principles. That these principles make up the landscape and that they are in fact the landscape itself. So he says to himself: I am dwelling on fundamental truths. And I wish to find this All, Ever, Most Being, The Originator of these truths. I think when he speaks like this to himself, his speech is not unheard by that Being Whom he seeks and as if in earnest longing, the knowledge he wishes for is directed to him through that door upon which he knocked not even realizing that he was knocking. An Opening of the door and a pouring out of Water for the thirsty seeker. He knows then that he must hold dear to himself, the paths that lead to The All, Ever, Most Being, the ways that will bring him into the presence of that Being where his thirst will be slaked in an All, Ever and Most way. These paths become his values, and they are the maps. Curious a thing to ponder over then that a linguistic meaning of the term Shariah, (which is the Islamic system of Law and regulation that governs the life of the Muslim), is The clear well trodden path to Water. If Shariah is based on truth and what has been mentioned about its meaning too, which I suggest it is, then I am convinced in light of this knowledge, that principles are the territory and values are the maps. When we value correct principles, we have truth - a knowledge of things as they are. By way of example, here are a few principles I believe to be correct and its corresponding value system...
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 01:35:09 +0000

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