"When the world starts getting dark and filled with negative and - TopicsExpress


"When the world starts getting dark and filled with negative and ugly things, take a moment to notice the blessings. Take a moment to realize the good that God has placed in your life, and then thank Him, and then watch as He increases you." The blessing of seeing the birds fly across the sky. The blessing of seeing the streets as I crossed them. The blessing of seeing hazardous things and being able to turn away from them. The blessing of experiencing life through the blessing of vision..... “’If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor],’” (Qur’an 14:7) Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) tells us that if we are thankful, if we are in a state of hamd (praise of God) internally, then He will bless us and increase us in the favors that he has bestowed upon us. Of course this is in the literal sense, that He will grant us more and more of the things we want, but it is also includes something a little bit different: The more we are thankful for the blessings that Allah (swt) gives us, the more He will make us aware of the blessings that He has placed in our lives. Every day we carry on surrounded by a multitude of blessings that we don’t even realize we have, or that we ignore because we have just gotten so used to them. But when we take a moment to recognize the blessings that we are given and actually thank God for them, He increases us in the awareness of those blessings, filling our lives with a joy that was possible all along, but we had been pushing away. Reference: (Watch as He increases you - Reehab Ramadan)
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 21:24:20 +0000

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