When was drinking water fluoridated? - TopicsExpress


When was drinking water fluoridated? knowyourteeth/infobites/abc/article/?abc=h&iid=305&aid=1256. In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan introduced fluoride into their public water systems to help fight tooth decay among residents. At the same time, a group of Wisconsin-based dentists succeeded in getting the states water system fluoridated. After substantial testing showed that fluoride reduced the incidence of cavities by as much as two-thirds, in 1951 the U.S. Public Health Service urged the entire country to fluoridate public drinking water. The idea for water fluoridation resulted from an observation made by a dentist from Colorado Springs, Colorado, in the early 1900s. Frederick McKay noticed that locals had brown stains on their teeth. He called the staining enamel mottling and attributed it to drinking water with high fluoride content. He reported that the locals had a reduced incidence of tooth decay. In 1940, another dentist revealed that one part fluoride per one million parts water was the ideal ratio for reducing decay while preventing staining. Soon after, fluoride gained acceptance, and today more than 60 percent of Americans have fluoridated water.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:18:39 +0000

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