When we keep reading the bible, we fill our minds with stories, - TopicsExpress


When we keep reading the bible, we fill our minds with stories, questions and teachings but do not really experience the substance and the power of the spirit. So, the preachers keep repeating themselves without any real progress in the development of human nature. Instead, human nature continues to be overcome by dependence on the temporary things of this world. Be observant of the world around you. People are practically living structured lives hopelessly dependent on the political and economic realities taking shape before them. People have practically surrendered their freedom only to end up weak and burdened by the anxieties of day to day living. Then the preacher comes to tell you that you are already saved by the death of Christ, that Christ carried on his shoulders the sins of mankind so that we can all be forgiven. This is absolutely irrational. This is the thinking of the world where everything has a price. God is generous because the power that God has is inexhaustible and flows naturally. God does not value death or suffering. The will of God is not in making anyone die or suffer. The will of God is the will to love and do good. For God knows no evil. Evil is totally an irrational thing and when you are in complete possession of your rational faculties, we naturally reject evil. It is part of his nature. We are given the opportunity to share in that nature. So, when Christ came, he did not die for our sins so that we can be forgiven. He shared with us the consciousness of the Father in heaven. But then, they killed Christ and came up with the elaborate justification that in order for mankind to be saved, the Son of God must die. If you believe that, then you are not really using your mind. Your mind is as useless as the dust because instead of seeking the truth, you use it to become a slave of lifeless matter. Let us not be fooled. It is not the death of Christ that saved us. It is the presence of Christ in us that will for that is what gives us the power over death. The teaching that we are saved by the death of Christ or that accepting Christ as our personal savior and joining a particular religion is a lie. It is a trap for the unwary. It is an attempt to make it easy on people so that they can avoid having to make the adjustments they need to fully experience the freedom and staying power of Christ consciousness. It is not only fake medicine but poison. It is like a drug that they administer to you so you will stop thinking and become their submissive slave and blind follower. Just watch for instance this senator wannabe preach. He keeps saying that Christ bore our sins and that is according to the bible, he says. Now, when you know truth, you realize that this guy is just making mumbo jumbo interpretations of what he reads in the bible without really experiencing the reality of Christ in his life. You will never know truth unless you actually experience it. You will become victimized by those who pretend to know truth but are merely making up things based on their understanding of what the bible says. They are trying to manipulate your mind making it appear that they are filling your mind with the truth. But what is really happening? They are merely playing with your mind while of course asking for your generous donations. In order you pay for the convenience of being deceived. Of course, this is quite voluntary but then a good preacher can be very persuasive in making you make those generous donations. They deceive you and make money out of you. And, also, why not use you for political leverage or advantage. That definitely is not Christlike. That is more like a leech living off the weaknesses of people. It is a terrible thing that in the Philippines, we are too focused on hand me down ideologies, We have no originality. We have imported religion and localized versions of imported religion. We need to learn to be critical about the things we believe in and get to the heart or the root of the matter.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 02:21:14 +0000

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