When we offend others, or even when they perceive that we have - TopicsExpress


When we offend others, or even when they perceive that we have wronged them, a destructive “fire” is kindled in them. The heat of their anger feeds that fire. The longer we allow it to burn, the more damage it will do in their lives and in the lives of others to whom the fire spreads. Because of this, God commands: “Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift. (Matthew 5:23-24). This is truly an amazing command, because the Lord is so concerned about reconciliation that He wants us to interrupt our worship of Him in order to restore fellowship with an offended brother. Actually, reconciliation is true worship, because whatever we do to others, we do to Christ. (See Matthew 25:40.) By not seeking to make things right, how many fires have we left burning in the hearts of those whom we have offended? Family feuds often begin with one offense, last for generations, and affect hundreds of people. As we meditate on the command to be reconciled, we can expect God to bring to our remembrance those who are holding things against us. As He does, purpose to go and make things right as an expression of our worship to the Lord.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 04:44:24 +0000

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