When writing of deliveries to people in need, it comes to my mind - TopicsExpress


When writing of deliveries to people in need, it comes to my mind that there is another kind of need that is often not met. It is purely unintentional. It happens because the holidays bring about a busyness that keeps us on the go with no time to reflect. We are so busy getting the many holidays tasks done, we fail to think about one important area of our life. As we check off our lists, and then check them twice, we pat ourselves on the back for getting so much accomplished...decorating, shopping, wrapping, cooking, baking, Christmas cards and so on and so forth. Indeed, we should congratulate ourselves because it sometimes resembles a herculean feat. In the midst of all of this, we sometimes forget that there is someone on the periphery of our lives who may need to feel needed. The need to be needed is huge to our sense of well being and our sense of feeling loved and in feeling that our existence matters. Dont forget to call that someone in your life who loves you and who would have their heart warmed just in hearing your voice. Better yet, stop by and visit. Take some of your valuable time and spend it on someone who would benefit from the warmth of your love and company. Loneliness is almost as painful as hunger, and very often it goes unnoticed because the busyness of our lives gets in the way of us even considering that it could exist. It isnt just old people who are lonely. Loneliness is an equal opportunity emotion. Sometimes the people you would never imagine as being lonely, ARE! Often, because OUR life is so full, we think all others lives are full as well. Not, not, not! More valuable than money, is time....Take your time and spend it well. You may just prevent someones heart from breaking this year. Give yourself a minute to think of anyone you know who may benefit from the presence of YOU. After all, the best gift is the gift of your company.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:48:52 +0000

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