When you are no longer identified with your life as a limited - TopicsExpress


When you are no longer identified with your life as a limited being, as a human being who has lived in a world of fear, then you are free to be the living conduit, the heart of God filled with pure Love, that Love can wash your life free of every perception of not enough, of pain or fear. Love can wash you of every pocket of lack or limitation, of seeing life happening to you. Once you are released from participation in the dance of duality that is the egos dream, then at last your heart can be the vehicle of transformation, alive at the Moment of Creation itself. From The Messages from God ~~~~ Yes. And to see .......that the sense of identification with the particular... ...aka a biological object with a label, which appears in time.. ..and ends in time... ....thus creating the very construct of time(and space)...in which to appear/disappear... ....an object hereto held to be oneself....... ....this sense of identification with the particular.. .. which infers the me and thus the you(for the me)..... .....and the myriad of relating.....as if .....in duality.... ...all this.........is also the play of Divine Love. Perceptions of not enough....... of lack.... ....of pain and anguish over loss.... ...and pride and joy over gain...... .....whatever be the loss/gain about......all this.... ....as a play of divinity. The snap with the identification with the particular is immediate.... ....with the realization(to use a hackneyed term)...... ....that no matter how it appears.......nothing is ever.....amiss. That, nothing is ever.........out of place. That, there is no should..... ....nor any should-nots (which is just a should in the reverse direction). That, no matter what unfolds through a conduit...... .....no matter how that unfolds... ....the conduit is never corroded..... ....never corrupted. That, Love........has never met or known ........its absence. That, Love.........has never met or known........its presence either.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 03:19:54 +0000

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