When you are ready to remember your Divine Origins, you are led to - TopicsExpress


When you are ready to remember your Divine Origins, you are led to places that carry sacred energy and information: places that resonate with your Soul. When you need to be reminded of your own spiritual and personal power, you will be drawn, through synchronicity and mystery, to exactly the words, messages, energy and consciousness that will ascend you into reconnecting with Divine Love. There is a reason why you are connecting with this page now, and others like it. There is a reason why certain spiritual books, classes, teachers and mentors come into your life at specific times. There is a reason why your life doesnt evolve in the way that your mind or ego thinks it should. There is always a reason for things breaking open, falling apart, dissolving in your world. It can cause great distress to the mind when your secure or comfortable life seems to be dismantled before your very eyes. It can make you believe that something is wrong; that you are failing, that you are not sticking to the path that was expected of you. Most Lightworkers will go through an intense period of awakening or remembering their true spiritual origins. It is extremely common for this re-attunement to Universal Energies to be preceded by, or be concurrent with, a time during which the structures and foundations of life seem to break down or significantly change. For example, some people get ill. Some peoples relationships or marriages end. Some people lose their jobs. Some people have a nervous breakdown. Some people encounter a combination of all of these, and other challenges. All of these experiences have come to communicate the same message, in essence: You cannot function in the way that you have been. You have to change your life. You have to change your energy. You have to be surrounded by the vibration of Higher Love and Divine Consciousness. You have to explore what you ego is doing to you. You have to tune into your Heart Chakra. You have to release suppressed emotions from your body. You have to detoxify your Life. You have to remember, reclaim, reconnect and fully merge with sacred energies that are many octaves higher than the 3rd dimension. You have to remember that this is where you came from, what you still carry within you, and is what you are here to fully anchor on Earth. When you are ready to remember, you will be drawn to the perfect places and people to help you uncover Divine Truth and Power within you. Please know that if your life is not working out the way that you thought, or think, that it should, it is vital for you to know that there is a Higher Plan in action. Much of your old, dense vibration has to be dramatically altered in order for you to become what is known as crystalline energy - a return to your most early spiritual cellular formations. Yes, your life and habits will have to change. Yes, you will often need to have a shake-up in order to wake up. No, your ego will not like it. Yes, you will probably fight, defend against and resist it. As Earth hurtles towards unprecedented levels of higher frequencies being held in Her Light Grid, the Higher Selves of Light Carriers all over the world are being activated. Those who have already gone through the initial transition to higher consciousness are being focused on developing their personal, Divine Missions with speed and intensity. Old Lives have to die, in order for New Lives of Divine Light, Purpose and Transformation to be born. ~Sophie Bashford
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 18:13:36 +0000

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