When you are willing to stand for righteousness you make yourself - TopicsExpress


When you are willing to stand for righteousness you make yourself a target for every group that fights for a cause. If what you believe does not agree with their cause you potentially can become the victim of a character assassination. This is what they did to Jesus. He would not come into agreement with those in positions of influence so he had to go. They found someone who was willing to speak false accusations against him in front of a court so that they could kill him because they couldnt stop him. (And there arose certain, and bare false witness against him saying, we heard him say such and such. (Mark 14:57). They twisted the words that he spoke because they did not fully understand the meaning and they already had something against him in their heart. It is one of Satans oldest most effective ways to destroy those you cant stop because they will not go along just to be apart of a group. We have to remember this truth whenever we are told something or read something about someone. You never know what is operating behind the scenes. Maybe someone has an ax to grind and is looking for an opportunity to destroy someone who will not do what someone else wants them to do. Maybe this person they just dont like for whatever reason and they have found someone who has agreed to help them be destroyed. We just never know. Always ask God is the this truth? He is the true discerner of every mans heart and every intention. Because I see that there are those who are taking even the words that we speak on FB and behind the scenes gathering people together to come against us because what we say they do not like. But God says do not respond to their accusations and lies. It is a part of the purging process to get you to the next level.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 12:20:53 +0000

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