When you look back in your life when you are on your last leg, - TopicsExpress


When you look back in your life when you are on your last leg, what legacy do you want to leave behind? Do you want to leave behind a legacy where you did nothing, where you gave up, where you did not do what was right to help yourself, your kids and loved ones? How about a bigger scale, do you want to look back and say I did nothing to help our people, all people, I did nothing to help mother earth, I just sat back and watched. When in reality, when you heal yourself, you heal a part of mother earth, your children and clear the path for loved ones to follow. I wonder how politicians feel for giving up the land, for signing deals to line their own pockets and turning away from their own people...while the true unheard leaders and healers (because they are one person who follows the ancient ways-they are not two individuals) are in the back ground giving warnings, giving opportunities to leaders to correct the past and are not being heard...all because of a belief system that was beaten and brain washed into them. The results is their hearts are sleeping and they dont care. It is a harsh reality of First Nations people...there were many opportunities for our people to stand up in unity, all it takes on one community to stand up, to use the ancient teachings, to take charge and to be the one to have a domino effect. It reminds me of a time I silenced an assembly, I did not want to talk and there were five messages to give to the leaders at the time and my guides were FIRM. Yet it fell on deaf ears and nothing happened because I am a woman. So I used my ex-husband who was a Chief at the time to pass on messages from the other side...and he didnt even know it
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:59:47 +0000

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