When you reach a certain age, you do not want to be single. - TopicsExpress


When you reach a certain age, you do not want to be single. That’s a common phrase told to young men and woman by parents and our dear friends who are in a relationship or are married. Na wewe utaoa/utaolewa lini becomes a dreaded question which you would like to avoid at all costs . But come to think of it, is it really that bad when you are single? Me don’t think so, here are 5 benefits of being single 1.You have the time to build a better you Think about all the free time which you have to yourself. now is the perfect opportunity to get down to your ideal weight, take that class you’ve been putting off, get a second job or start volunteering. You will enjoy the single is that you can enjoy the opportunity of building your career without draining the tons of energy a permanent relationship entails. You remain free to put in long hours, work on the weekends or do whatever else you have to do to be successful. 2.You can do what you want went you want. You don’t have to consult anyone….how good is that? When you’re single,you can pick up and go anywhere you want, do anything you want, any time you want. No one is in the background nagging at you to go somewhere with them or do this and that for them. And a bonus, you’re absolutely free to hang out with your buddies, party until dawn and find plenty of time for your personal interests and hobbies. 3. There’s no need to feel guilt over what you post on social media. Unfortunately, the wrong post, photo or comment can be taken out of context and easily misconstrued when you’re in a relationship. But if you are single….who really cares? 4. You will have more money in your pocket. You may not be wealthy and you may need to keep your day job, but the single life gives you another kind of financial independence. Being in a relationship is expensive. Shopping for your loved ones and their friends adds up to a significant amount of cash. Save this money towards something that betters you in the long run. 5. You spend more less time on the phone and more time to “do you.” Relationships suck up a great deal of time on the phone between talking and texting, which can easily amount to several hours of a day. Think about all the time saved by cutting this out and investing this time in you. If you are in a relationship, well I think I will be single for longtime and good but if you are not, no need to sulk and mop all day
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:51:19 +0000

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