When you start to pay attention to your thinking you may notice to - TopicsExpress


When you start to pay attention to your thinking you may notice to your surprise just how many negative thoughts are being generated throughout the day. As you let them surface so you can look at them, things may seem like they are getting worse rather than better so you may have the tendency to try and push these thoughts away. Dont fight them, let them be. Everything is just fine. Just like when you clean a dirty roasting pan - when you start scrubbing it, things may seem like they are getting dirtier because the dirt is releasing itself from the sides and its making the water dirty. When you rinse the pan with fresh water the grime starts to go away and you will start to see improvements - the pan starts to look clean. You scrub some more and rinse again and the pan looks cleaner. Eventually the dirt is gone. The same thing happens with your negative thinking. You are just disturbing them so you can replace them with some balanced thinking. Reciting Optimistic Outlooks on a daily basis helps rinse the negating thinking away. Meditate with these thoughts and/or look in the mirror as you say these to yourself. Daily exercise will result in your keeping your negative thinking in check. It really does work!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 22:00:01 +0000

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