When you think about the future, are you filled with hope or - TopicsExpress


When you think about the future, are you filled with hope or worry? If the answer is not hope, then you may be worrying your life away. Worry should come with a warning label. “Discontinue if rash, redness, irritation, or swelling develops. Side-effects may include drowsiness, mild to severe agitation, dizziness, palpitations, or dry mouth.” Now, if you run into a bear in the woods, you do have something to worry about. (But how many of us actually go face to face with a bear?) Life is short. We don’t have time to let worry whittle it away from us. As my friend, Dana Smith said recently, “We can get busy living or get busy dying.” (Worry will kill you.) As Brian Johnson from Winnie, Texas, says, “We cannot change the number of days in our life, but we can change the quality of our life.” Worrying does not bring us any closer to solving problems. In fact, it makes the problems worse. Lets all begin this day by singing Let It Go from the movie, Frozen. Make today the day you stop worrying so much and start living a whole lot better! (Busting a happy move here.) John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 10:30:00 +0000

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