Whether democrat or republican, conservative or liberal this - TopicsExpress


Whether democrat or republican, conservative or liberal this information is important. It is important because it proves the harm being done to this country by a right wing propoganda machine trying to pass itself off as a fair and balanced news organization. The brainwashing tactics being used by fox and other right wing tools by consistently repeating unsubstantiated accusations and innuendo that they know to be just that and passing it off as fact prevents their viewers and readers from knowing what is actually going on in this country. By playing up to peoples fears and predjudices they are actually making some people ignore the fact that the GOP led house of representatives are wasting valuable time and taxpayers dollars promoting a campaign of distraction and unfounded anomous toward their opposing party to secure their positions in 2014 instead of legislating to mend this country economically and otherwise. This should piss you off regardless of your political affillation. It is unacceptable regardless of your party loyalties and it should jolt you into action to demand of your legislators regardless of party to stop the shiny object distractions and get to work for the people.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 18:46:10 +0000

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