Whether its about the printed written word, be it televised or - TopicsExpress


Whether its about the printed written word, be it televised or digitized through the ether, or the printed currency, be it consensual credit or solid gold bullion, foolish is he who attacks the printers in a world sustained by paper and ink. Its just as foolish, and maybe a little bit amusing, as knocking at Hells door and threatening all of the legions of demons with bringing hell upon them, metaphorically speaking of course. It is undoubtedly a lovely thing, being able to dream and make your dreams happen, nonetheless, when ones dreams begin to shake the dreams of an entire world...that is a totally different situation and sooner or later the dream will be seen as a nightmare, concurrently, it will be treated as all nightmares are...with waking up. Love, romance, poetry, they most surely bring happiness, sentiment, and sometimes even joy, still, reason, temperance, technology and even the ancestral ostracized concept of money, they are most certainly the building blocks of comfort and progress. And please, dont get me wrong, everyone should be encouraged into stepping out of its comfort zone...it is the first step in knowing yourself, nonetheless, let us not pretend that by forever stepping out of our comfort zone will ever do much good than to bring us all back to the caves, a thing that may be constructive from an individual point of view but from a collective point of view is just as dumb as trashing your own printers and then crying for the ancient times when paper was not a luxury or a form of mysterious or forgotten art. Basically speaking sticks are the perfect deterrent for avoiding such a mindless behaviour in a world already shaking because of its lack of reason and understanding between individuals. ...do you know why science is an asshole? me neither! :-? but im guessing that when the asshole(no gay remark) stops functioning the whole organism dies, its a fact proven by kidney renal failure! :-? so basically this is why science is still the leader in health industry...
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:14:13 +0000

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