While I have enjoyed the photos from back in Michigan in my - TopicsExpress


While I have enjoyed the photos from back in Michigan in my Facebook feed. Friends and family have shared photos of frozen lakes, piles of snow, 193 car pileups on the freeway, school closings and freezing temps. Those are basically the reasons we are own here in Mississippi. The cold and frozen is beautiful, but after 65 years I am looking for something different. I wrote a day ago about how my hubby does fly byes of some interesting places, he even agreed we needed to do more. More than flea markets, thrift stores and auctions. So today we did laundry!! LOL Ok, then we hit two places that I wanted to see up close. The first was the 500 year old Friendship Tree on South Mississippi Campus. I had actually read about the tree in a romance novel, years and years ago and somehow remembered it was in the Gulfport area. Sure enough it is actually part of the schools advertising and on billboards down here. Let’s face it if you had a tree determined to be a sapling when Columbus discovered America you are going to promote that puppy! This thing is huge and a football field’s length from the beach and it made it through Katrina. It is said, if you stand under it with a friend, you will remains friends for life! So, I stood under it with my BFF, hubby! You can see how this big Oak makes it through the worst of weather, the branches have reached down to the ground and grown/anchored the tree for anything that blows its way! The second touristy thing was a walk on the white sand beach! So there might have been a huge Hurricane hit here 8 years ago and wipe out all the beachfront historical homes. Followed by an oil spill to make everything icky. However, the beaches are pure white packed sand that you can walk on without twisting an ankle or in my case a knee. There were no signs that said no dogs, and doggie prints everywhere, so Kylee and Dozer made it out onto the beach and down to the water. Of course they wanted to drink some water, it was 73 degrees and 100% humidity. We kept them on a tight leash, so they could walk in the ocean, but not drink the salt water. I of course took the Birks off and wiggled my toes in the Gulf. It was warm and wonderful. All this unusual touristy stuff was followed by two stops and Goodwills and then home for lunch! Hubby even had a good time! I will be on the lookout for more goodies to investigate! Traveling, working, and starting to enjoy and relax! Dilly, Randy and the Tails
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 21:13:34 +0000

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