While I was in the primary school,my teacher told me read very - TopicsExpress


While I was in the primary school,my teacher told me read very well for ur common entrance cos wen u get to Secondary school,u will av enough time to rest and enjoy urself.Oh!I looked forward to dat secondary school,thinking to myself its a world of rest,it a world of enjoyment,a world where d heavens will be brought down to heart! I got to secondary school and it was entirely a different story,it turn out to be completely opposite,even more difficult dan d primary school,den I said to myself,was a lier my primary school teacher was. End of d secondary school approached, I stayed awake for nights,reading, cos all I heard was dat University is full of fun,nobody force u to go to class,no one beat and purnish u,no friday labour,no saturday inspection,no more holy rod,no more touching of toe to receive those skin tearing lashes,and again I looked forward to uni days,I fantasies bout how free am gonna be,I thought about how sweet life was going to be,and UNIJOS came calling,just weeks into registration,I almost lost my life to d worse experience of my life,saw people being killed bfor my own eyes,saw properties worth millions been burnt,it was d Nov 28,2008 jos north crisis,and it dawn on me dat am in for it and dat university isnt a place of rest,its a place u hav d option of skipping classes,but u wont want to do it,stress of lecture compounded d whole thing. Final year came and I thought service year is going be fun,free and flexible,indeed it was but when I realised how old I was getting and how I need to face d challenges of life,I took up Jobs,even underpaying one,cos being broke is deadly! Service year ended,and I really saw d real picture of d world,dat its not a place for d weaklings and lazy handed,I den understood how Smart I need to work! Den I asked myself,wen will dis rest come,wen would dat week,month or year termed resting year come,I thought for long and I discovered it would never come! It would never!while living ur daily life,catch fun,meet people,do amazing things,go to wonderful places if u have wat it takes,make friends,be fair to all,be just to all,be respectful,be of help to as many are in your sphere of contact,spend money dont be extravagant,save money,dont be a slave to it,serve ur God and enjoy ur life,so dat wen u r 70 u wud look back and say I lived a life,and wen d time comes u can gladly and joyfully bid bye bye and say to people see u at d afterlife. #wednesdayoilmillholdup#
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:22:27 +0000

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