While I was puttering through my home, the Holy Spirit gently - TopicsExpress


While I was puttering through my home, the Holy Spirit gently nudged me and I felt led to write to each of you to remind you that God is in control. As I sat in His Presence to hear what he wanted me to write to His children, I was led to judges chapter 16 verse 2 and 3. Here goes: 2 Word soon spread[a] that Samson was there, so the men of Gaza gathered together and waited all night at the town gates. They kept quiet during the night, saying to themselves, “When the light of morning comes, we will kill him.” 3 But Samson stayed in bed only until midnight. Then he got up, took hold of the doors of the town gate, including the two posts, and lifted them up, bar and all. He put them on his shoulders and carried them all the way to the top of the hill across from Hebron. Samson was a man called and annoited by God even before he was born. In these particular verses we understand the plot that was set up to destroy him. But in wisdom, Samson took several actions that threw the enemy off guard. 1. The enemy was waiting for morning, but Samson got up around midnight. 2. The enemy waited at the gates to capture him, but Samson removed the gates, uncovering the men who waited for him. There seems to be no end in sight. As soon as we get pass one dilemma here comes another. But this one is so much bigger than all of the others that we just came through and for this to change it is going to take a miracle. So here we are one more time. Our enemies have backed us into a corner. They have assembled together and have formed an allegiance to take us out. Although they dislike each other, what drives them more is their intense hate for us the children of the Most High God. But the good news is that God is doing a brand new thing! This e-mail is to remind us that we are to forget those things that are behind. While our enemies are waiting for daybreak God is doing something different at Midnight. While they are waiting at the gates to trap us, God has and is removing the gates to expose them. We are so limited in our understanding of the majestic power of the Living God. We sometimes continue to place limits on Him regarding our situations. We need to have radical changes in some of the situations that we are facing, yet our minds cannot even fathom how our God can do these things. Today I encourage us to take every limit that we have placed on our Father off. For a few months now, God continues to remind me that He is doing a brand new thing. He continues to remind me that He will not pour new wine into old wineskins. The old wineskins is our limited way of thinking. The limited way in which we see, hear, touch, feel. And we must admit that we have fallen into certain traditional ways of thinking in our walk with God. When we hear of a miracle, we tend to ask ourselves if it is believable. This is the state that we have gotten to in Christiandom. But He is doing a new thing. Get ready to experience God in another level. Get ready to see the gates that once try to block you be removed before your very eyes. Get ready to be awakened at midnight to fight spiritual battles that will give you the victory at daybreak. So you have no food, get ready to receive the prophets instruction to go borrow vessels from your neighbors. Yes there is oil and it will be in abundance. So I encourage us that no matter what we are hoping and praying for to remind ourselves that nothing is impossible with the Living God. And even though the instructions that HE gives may not make any sense to us. WHatever He instructs us to do, we will do. For we understand that HE is doing a brand NEW THING! So instead of praying at daybreak we will pray at midnight and instead of walking through the Gates we will be carrying them. Father in the Name of Jesus, as I come into your Presence, I repent today for the way in which I have become complacent in my attitude towards you. I ask and receive forgiveness for the limits that I have placed on you. I acknowledge that for a time, I just wanted to be able to survive the attacks that came from the enemies camp, but today Father, I declare that I want to be a conduit of signs, wonders and miracles. I want to see the signs and even greater than what I read about in your Word in my life. I ask that you take every limit off in every area of my life. Father, bring my senses into another level of your annoiting. Let your Holy Fire burn in every area of my life as your pour in me the new wine that you speak of in your Word. I thank you for making me new. I thank you for realigning my senses to your WORD. Yes I declare that my senses of hearing, smelling, touching, tasting and seeing are aligned with your WORD and I submit and surrender to your will and to your ways as you do with me according to your plan and your purpose, In Jesus Name. Amen. May God continuously bless each and everyone as we wait in His Presence.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:44:52 +0000

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