While Russias leadership keeps the West focused on Crimea and - TopicsExpress


While Russias leadership keeps the West focused on Crimea and Ukraine, President Putin quietly is working to draw other East European nations into the Customs Union (Supernation #5). At least three other nations are joining Supernation #5 with no fanfare and no protest. (See Map) NEWS BRIEF: Armenia Ready To Join Russias Customs Union By Mid-April, Radio Free Liberty, 10 March 2014 Armenia says it will be ready to join a Russia-led customs union within weeks. Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh Kocharian said in Yerevan on March 1 that his country will accomplish all necessary tasks by mid-April in order to join the CIS Customs Union, which also includes Belarus and Kazakhstan. Not even the political opposition is offering any resistance. The leader of the opposition Armenian National Congress coalition, former President Levon Ter-Petrossian, has called on Armenians to accept the nations upcoming membership in the Russia-led customs union. Russias announcement to build a bridge between the Crimean Peninsula and to southern Russia is seen as a move to solidify Crimean membership in the Russian Customs Union ( Supernation #5) NEWS BRIEF: Russia Plans Permanent Link to Crimea, Armenia on Threshold of Customs Union, Transitions Online, Regional Intelligence, 5 March 2014 Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev has ordered the next step toward linking Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula to southern Russia, The Moscow Times reports. Medvedev signed a decree 3 March to create a company to oversee the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait to connect Crimea with Russia’s Taman peninsula. The decree came two days after Russian senators approved sending troops to Crimea to protect the Russian-speaking majority on the peninsula. NEWS BRIEF: Belarus and Customs Union: From Subject to Object of Integration, Belarus Digest, 1 February 2014 New regulations came from the Customs Union and show how Russia forces its partners to adopt Russias own rules of the game. Belarus is stuck in the middle of the process of integration with Russia ... Belarus` lack of involvement into any other integration projects only deepens its dependence on Russia ,,, In 1993, Belarus joined the Russia-controlled Organisation of Collective Security Treaty. This military alliance unites Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan and Belarus ... Belarus has long promoted the idea of the Union State with Russia. NEWS BRIEF: Uzbekistans Car Industry Takes a Beating from Russia’s Custom Union, EurasiaNet News, February 21, 2014 The Russia-led Customs Union has never hid its protectionist mandate. It’s been called Vladimir Putin’s Soviet Union-lite for a reason: Formerly Soviet states that don’t sign up will be isolated or pushed around until they do. Just look at Ukraine. Now, new regulations on car imports that came into effect last month will protect the car manufacturing industries in all three members – Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. But they will specifically hurt one of Uzbekistan’s few successful joint ventures, a GM plant in the Fergana Valley that has thrived off exports to Russia and Kazakhstan. NEWS BRIEF: Armenia, Russia satisfied with Customs Union accession roadmap implementation, Armenia Now News, 2/25/2014 The prime ministers of Russia and Armenia highly evaluate Yerevan’s steps aimed at the implementation of the roadmap for accession to the Customs Union. Russia is finally moving consistently, if not rapidly, to draw together the East European nations into Supernation #4 of the plan of the Club of Rome (Read full details in NEWS2363, entitled, There Is Only ONE Sequential Prophecy Which Shall Provide Us A Clear Gauge By Which We Can Know The Approximate Time That Antichrist Will Arise!) Russia is drawing Supernation #5 together, as the Illuminati works to reorganize all the worlds nations into precisely 10 supernations, each one with a leader. When completed, this Club of Rome Plan will fulfill Daniel 7:7-8 exactly, thus setting the stage for the appearance of Antichrist to the world scene. cuttingedge.org/newsletters/newsalert.htm
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 22:04:17 +0000

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