While abroad, anytime I would mention moving back to the states, - TopicsExpress


While abroad, anytime I would mention moving back to the states, nationals of the host country would inevitably challenge my desire to do so. Over and over again, people asked: Arent you afraid to take your son there? Isnt America dangerous for a son like yours? I couldnt argue much to the contrary- not with the evidence that kept coming out: mass shootings at malls, movie theaters, and schools. Vigilantes taking down innocent young men- and then being set free. The best medical resources in the world which many people cannot afford to access. A national health crisis of obesity, while our food is poisoned with chemicals and GMOs. Their greatest concern, however, was for my son, with his gorgeous brown skin and curly brown hair. Because when looking from the outside, it is very easy to see what so many seem to be blind to: America is not a safe place to raise a child of color. One only has to look at prison statistics, school performance, mortality rates, and court records. One only has to look at the history of race riots in Ferguson, Cincinnati, Michigan, Chicago, LA, Philadelphia, etc. etc. This isnt an America bashing message. I love our country, and know that we have so much that other countries do not. We also have a lot of work to do to make our nation healthy again. Many conversations to be had. Many mirrors to look into. A lot of cleaning up to do. But we can do it. We are Americans. We roll up our sleeves and get things done. We have to. Unless this is how we want the rest of the world to continue to view us: washingtonpost/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/08/18/how-the-rest-of-the-world-sees-ferguson/washingtonpost/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/08/18/how-the-rest-of-the-world-sees-ferguson/
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 13:15:08 +0000

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