While addressing the School Board last night, Heidi did a very - TopicsExpress


While addressing the School Board last night, Heidi did a very good job keeping her emotions under control. She never gave into a momentary wave of pain recounting to the board some of the circumstances she endured at her old school. Instead she kept speaking, explaining all the issues that had concerned her for years. When asked if I had anything to add, I felt my daughter had said it all, so I declined. But being her mother and having been the sole person to have to witness her struggles on a daily basis for years, I do have my own perspective and thoughts on this issue. So naturally, I would like to express them here and now. Though the board mentions, in this article, the topic of financial burden, that is not our main issue at all. My daughter only mentioned it because it is one of many issues that we have to contend with, and she feels badly that her situation has caused an additional financial drain on us. But that is not, nor ever will be what determines what I, as her parent, can or will do for her to insure she has as good a chance as anyone else, to protect her rights. To me, a childs well-being always comes first. Our main question was : If a child is subjected to chronic bullying for over 2 years at one public school, can she be allowed (regardless of closed enrollment) to attend another public school? THAT is the main question we had for the board. Heidi offered up all her own reasons why she needs this exception to be made for her, but it all hinges on that one question. I pay my property taxes and willingly support my local school and the town we live in, but when an important problem like this, one that effects my childs ability to have a safe and positive experience at her local public school, is not resolved, shouldnt my child have the right to attend a different public school? All of Heidis friends, whom she has made through her church, Girls Scouts, dance, cheer camp and Hope Christian Academy, are all from Dickinson and are, or will be, attending DHS, that means that if she is denied attendance based on her address, she will also be denied the enjoyment that comes from being able to expand those friendships in that unique and memorable way that only a High School environment can offer. Good and bad, the memories we all have from our days in High School are deeply ingrained into our memories, we are just asking that Heidi be allowed to go where she has friends waiting for her and where she can take the classes that will help her focus on her chosen field of education, so she is better prepared for College. She wants to be a nurse and do missionary work. Every since she heard about Doctors without Borders years ago, she was hooked on the idea of serving others in that capacity. I am so proud of her goals and the heart she has for living a life of service to others. No matter what the outcome is regarding this request to be allowed to attend DHS, I am certain she will attain her educational and spiritual goals. I couldnt be prouder of my daughter and am certain that her future will be brighter because of her drive and strong spirit. As Christians, we want to leave our concerns in the hands of our Heavenly Father. If it is His Will that she attend DHS, we will be grateful. If not, we will assume He wants her to stay at Hope, and we will be overjoyed at that opportunity as well! Thats the silver lining in every cloud for us, knowing we arent as alone as it feels sometimes . Being able to sincerely trust God to make things all work out for our good, is the blessing that comes from having a humble and patient heart. Heidi and I continue to learn more about patience. forgiveness and humility every day. This situation is just another day in the classroom of life. Everyone has trials and setbacks, its how you choose to handle them that makes the difference in whether the outcome leaves you with any peace or confidence, or merely bitter. I am glad Heidi chose to share her concerns and respectfully make her request to the School Board. Now she knows she has done all she could in a respectable manner without drama or sensationalism. She voiced her need and then we quietly left. We thank the Board for the opportunity to do so.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:50:40 +0000

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