While having a team free for all, Patrick Hastings, Cody Barber, - TopicsExpress


While having a team free for all, Patrick Hastings, Cody Barber, Malock Mullins, Brian Edwards, matthew luskey, David green, and Eyad Al-Sharawneh had their training interrupted by a mass of explosions and the feeling of a single power level dropping. Curious as to what Id going on, the fighters headed towards the site of the explosions. Upon arrival there was a small building in ruins inside of the marshes between Jarrs kingdom and Kyorics kingdom. While surveying the site, the explosions picked up from a few yards away, a single figure flying from a strain of explosions trailing behind it, struggling to dodge the attacks before another figure appeared in front of the retreating figure striking it; sending the person plummeting down to the ground. Matthew and Spartan rushed down to aid the downed fighter after hearing Barber yell Brians name out. Eyad and Barber rushed towards the other figure with a much higher power level. Upon approaching the figure the fighters got a huge surprise, The Creature was floating in the air checking out the fighters around him, all of which battle warn from their training. The creature immediatly locked eyes with Eyad before spraying behind him, having the fighter by the throat while taking a large smell of the fighter before becoming enraged over something demanding information from him. Taking advantage of this, David rushed the creature, elbow dropping him in an attempt to knock him off of Eyad, though all he managed to do was strike the creature on the arch of his shoulder, popping one of the pustules on his shoulder getting a goo like substance on his arm, as he struggles to get it off, the goo just spread faster. Thinking quickly, Barber attempted to blast the goo from Davids arm, only injuring him slightly and bringing a bit of goo to the surface of Davids arm. Barber prepaid to attack again before being blasted backwards buying enough time for David to be taken over. The creature priced to question about the whereabouts of his brother as Barber informed him that no one had seen him in quite some time. Believing the saiyan and with no need of the group, the creature blasted Eyad back before rushing Barber, slamming his shoulder into Barbers face, rupturing another pustule as the goo quickly took over Barber as well. The creature then prepared to attack the fighters as suddenly the unknown fighter from the tournament appeared. The creature quickly blasted the fighter revealing it to be done form of android. The creature quickly took off retreating from the android; the android taking off after him -leaving our fighters to deal with the possessed Cody Barber and David Green, whos puree levels were much higher than before as well as some of their injuries restored. (This is were we paused for the night)
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 15:48:35 +0000

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