While legitimate tax money is intended for schools , roads , - TopicsExpress


While legitimate tax money is intended for schools , roads , defense , police . Why is it going to fight illegal and aggressive war , Why is it going to perpetuate a myth like FORCED union having better safety standards and it’s plain old FACT right to work states have a higher gross national product per capita . Why is it the 10 richest corporations in America get subsidized in one form or another . What really burns me is they are taking taxpayers money to advertise things and taxpayers money for litigation to get things like Obama tax aka Obama care or killing unborn babies the majority don’t want . More Tax More tax and More Tax and what about the use of that money . You gotta be really stupid to buy something like sequestrian pulling the plug on teachers , military , food stamps , while our money is going to build mosque and churches and supply arms to Americas enemies . They pour billions in to so called green projects and I’ve not yet heard of even one successful but somehow the big guys the owners and CEOs always seem tied to the folk who issued the grant and make out like bandits which aptly describes them . Back to tax and law , liquor with state and federal tax stamp legal , moonshine illegal . So my point is , aw draw your own conclusion but know the average cost to the taxpayer to jail someone is about $40,000 a year and you get all the amenities except liberty and prisons are a really big business $ 40,000 a year for a very small apartment and $160,000 about what it would cost to go to most colleges four years . Here’s the deal > Number one cash crop America MARIJUANA millions in jail for non violent crimes .
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 13:25:54 +0000

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