While this isnt something I would usually splash over a public - TopicsExpress


While this isnt something I would usually splash over a public forum, I thought it may help those friends of mine and others out there that are considering or are taking any anxiety or depression medications. Just over 2 years ago I started taking an anti-depressant medication. It was a last resort for me after suffering chest pains from anxiety and being close to finding myself admitted to a clinic for help by my doctor. After 2 weeks I found myself feeling as though I was back in control of my head and some sense of self again. Now 2 years down the track, 2 court cases done and dusted, starting our own business, being back in a great head space and with the love and support from Anthony Thomas together with a few close friends of mine and a D & M with my little brother Drew Rich, 3 weeks ago I made the decision to start coming off my medication. My doctor is supportive and has been great with how to manage such a change but nothing could prepare me for the withdrawals that I would start to suffer now at week 3. Today was hopefully the worst, vomiting (from both ends), headaches, hot and cold flushes, fevers and dizziness. It would have been so easy to turn to taking a few more pills to take away the way I felt but it was a case of fighting against it. Hopefully the worst is now over for me and it is onwards and upwards. What gets me is that the drug companies and doctors can just go handing these things out and increase peoples doses constantly without any warnings about the downside to what for most people is a permanent solution rather then to dig down to the root of the problem. Just because it comes with a script doesnt make it any different to an illegal drug addiction.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 09:44:19 +0000

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