While watching the congressional hearings with Hon Koskinen, it - TopicsExpress


While watching the congressional hearings with Hon Koskinen, it seems clear that if the IRS ever requests records, it is appropriate to answer them with Sorry, my hard drive crashed. These congressional hearings on the IRS Targeting investigation are indicative of absolute corruption by the most feared and abusive department within our government. This is a department that can, and does, crush lives if you do not document and present everything they request, yet they have the audacity to lie to congress and try to defend their lies with more lies every time they are caught in a lie. I have recently been harassed by IRS about taxes from years 2003 and 2004, including bills asking for about $40,000 (+/-) that I dont owe! Then, when they are asked to explain and document these charges, they keep writing back to say theyll get back to me in another 45 days, after they research why they are sending me bills after more than a decade has passed. They keep wanting another 45 days to research it, but they never produce any answers. If there were questions about 2003, they had ELEVEN YEARS to bring them to me, or tack charges onto subsequent years filings. As they explained to congress, they dont hold their own internal records beyond six months, and with little accuracy at that. Isnt that just a bit hypocritical? Isnt that enough cause to doubt them, and hold them accountable for our nations tax dollars? To hell with fearing the IRS. It was created to serve the peoples interests, not to abuse us. I say Bring it on, fellas. Lets make some more news stories together!
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 04:26:28 +0000

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