While we Muslims believe that Jesus peace be upon him, indeed has - TopicsExpress


While we Muslims believe that Jesus peace be upon him, indeed has been given the Gospel, the GOOD NEWS OF FORGIVENESS by ALLAH, subhanahu, who even strengthened him with the holy spirit, all four accounts cannot in anyway be the complete Message of Jesus. There are four varying accounts chosen and canonized by the Roman Catholic Church as the Gospel of Jesus, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, to the prejudice of inumerable others. Not even the church documented their reason for their selection, have they? It is said that Jesus peace be upon him, taught for some 3 years. Now look at the gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and try answering these questions: 1. Could the direct discourses of Jesus account for 10% or 20% of the entire compilation and the remaining the words of the evangelists themselves? 2. Jesus taught for THREE YEARS DAILY, what has he been teaching? Has he just been repeating the same thing over and over again and still, NONE managed to memorize a bit of what exactly he said in the original? Should not the Words of God be preserved in exactly as same way the Americans preserved Abraham Lincolns Gettysburg address? 3. The combined words of Jesus is probably less than 5% of the direct words of Pauls Epistles, and Paul did not even see it fit to quote ONE LINE from Jesus as Jesus articulated them, has he? 4. The evangelists quoted from Isaiah in presumably THE ORIGINAL HEBREW, but from Jesus, except for Talitha cumi and Eli Eli lama sabachtani which even had a variance, THERE WAS NOTHING ELSE. None of them even saw it fit to preserve the very name of Jesus Christ in the exact original, yet everybody is wrangling for his blessed name. IN DIAMETRICAL CONTRAST, The Holy Quran was preserved in exactly the way it was articulated; The entire 23 years of Teachings of Muhammadﷺ and even his practices or the minute details of his life during his ministry is preserved even in the original in huge volumes of his ahadith. And from it, the shariah was born and with even his sunnah, how we would rise from bed, wash himself, eat, sit, talk, walk, do business, exchange greetings, meet people to like and dislike him, upto to the moment he drew his last breath are there for every muslim to simply emulate. But of Jesus, peace be upon him, what have they preserved in what they call the inerrant word of God?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 08:35:10 +0000

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