Whilst the article seems to focus on former POWs released around - TopicsExpress


Whilst the article seems to focus on former POWs released around the 1998 era, I think its equally important to point out that former republican prisoners in more recent times have also struggled greatly to make ends meet, struggled to put food on the table, struggled to get benefits, struggled to find employment, myself included......Ive previously posted on social media in relation to this issue......It’s no secret that due to the ongoing British occupation there has been a steady increase in the number of Republican political prisoners both North and South. Many of these men and women are Interned by remand awaiting trial, a trial they may never see, some are sentenced and then we have those who have been released on bail but find themselves exiled from their communities and loved ones due to the draconian conditions imposed by British courts. For those who have a loved one in prison this can have a profound effect on family life. Benefits can be affected and if the victim was in employment there is a much needed wage missing each week. In a society that is already being targeted under Stormont’s Tory austerity measures, this can put a massive burden on those already struggling to make ends meet, especially for those with young children. We often hear people, particularly those in supposed positions of power, expressing concern about how former political prisoners cope after their release from prison. All too often the focus is mainly put on prisoners released pre-1998. More needs to be done not just for former prisoners of the past but also ex-prisoners of the present day. Like political prisoners of the past, todays prisoners also suffer employment discrimination, housing problems, severe problems getting benefits, some have lost their jobs as a result of being imprisoned. Bear in mind just because you find yourself in prison does not necessarily mean you have done anything wrong which has been proven countless times. Its also important to take into account those Republican prisoners who are released on bail and are exiled from living at home with their families and communities. The difficulties they face trying to get housed can be extreme. I have come across a number of cases were the PSNI and other British state agencies have actually resorted to putting pressure on homeowners in an effort to stop them from letting Republicans released on bail to reside in their homes. There needs to be more effort put into helping ALL former republican prisoners regardless of which year they were released.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:36:13 +0000

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