Who Is Your Prophet? “By a prophet the Lord brought Israel out - TopicsExpress


Who Is Your Prophet? “By a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved”. Hosea 12:13 The book of 2 Chronicles chapter 20 gives an account of Jehoshaphat who was overwhelmed by challenges. He woke up in the morning and realized trouble has broken out in unsolicited form and unannounced. Some people came and attacked him but the good thing is that his challenge drew him closer to God. In that scripture he was busy worshipping and praising God and God was busy dealing with his enemies. So shall any challenge facing you fall before your face, in Jesus name. Now in verse 26, there is something very interesting, it says when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil, they found among them in abundance both riches, dead bodies and precious jewels. Now, you don’t go to war carrying all the money, jewel and all the precious things. You see when God is about to transfer wealth into your hands, he will do ridiculous things – you are going to receive a ridiculous miracle! The problem with many believers is that they judge themselves by where they are now. You must stop that now, and understand that anyone who thought that he has seen your all is just deceived – I see you springing some surprises! But verse 20 reveals how you can access this wealth. It says your prosperity comes when you believe His prophet. Any time the Lord wants to do something great He sends a Prophet into your life and puts a word in the Prophet’s mouth for you and you better believe it, you cannot question the way God does His things. He doesn’t apologize; He is God. Who is the person speaking into your life? You cannot berate your Pastor and expect to be blessed by his or her ministry. God plants people in your life to speak into it. Don’t be among those who are not accountable to anyone. They are in Africa and claim their Prophet is in Asia. How does that work? For too long we have tolerated spiritual rascality in the church, but the time to stop is now. If you do not respect your Pastor, how do you want to be blessed by his or her ministry? Don’t join the bandwagon of those who don’t submit to any church and scatter their tithes around various ministries. You can scatter seeds, but your tithe must go to the place where you are daily being nourished. If you want to be blessed by your man or woman of God, then you must respect him or her for you cannot attract what you don’t respect. May the Lord give you understanding. Further Readings: 2 Chronicles 20:1-25 Daily Bible Reading: Morning: Psalms 110-112; Evening 1 Corinthians 5
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 06:43:25 +0000

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